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Posts posted by SM@EN

  1. 19 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    I know it's tedious, but if you haven't yet, please read through the thread from the top, including the workarounds that have been suggested. [...] The workarounds do work, and for me it's best to do it as soon as the problem occurs rather than waiting till I have to do it on half a dozen or more notes.

    @Dave-in-Decatur I've read through the entire thread--and the other one, too.  Unfortunately, I didn't find these threads until I already had quite a few locked notes and was already beyond frustrated.  Thanks for the testimony & words of encouragement, though.  I will try the workarounds rather than keep complaining. Maybe I'll post the outcome here...

    @Ralph77:  Chat with support/put in a service ticket. May have to email assigned support tech your request for refund.

    @gazumped:  Moi, cynical?  About getting help from EN on this particular issue?  Yes!  And I'm guessing they have logs/technical details from an ocean--not a pool---of users. 😀  But thank you for continuing to come here to provide guidance on this topic.  That helps us all!

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  2. 1 hour ago, gazumped said:

    Did you try raising the issue with Support?

    Not yet.  I will but forgive me for not having high hopes.  Why wouldn't the support persons have offered me some glimmer of hope when I raised (several) tickets just a couple months ago?  I only got the "We are working on a new release.   We know this doesn't help with your current issue."

    There seems to be a lot of faith in raising tickets in regards to this issue.  I wonder how many tickets they've gotten about sync issues?  Enough for the incoming  CEO to bring up in an interview.  In Jan 2019...  It's Aug 2020...  And not one person here who has mentioned they also got the "A new version is coming!  A new version is coming!" has said "Support" has told them the new version will unlock their notes or has offered a workaround.  Instead we are still here, left to come up with our own workarounds.  Tip to Premium users:  Demand some--if not all--of your subscription fee back.

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  3. On 7/21/2020 at 12:59 PM, Ricardo said:

    I believe this means no one is going to fix the issue discussed in this thread for the current app. The Evernote team probably wants this and other issues to just go away with the new Evernote app and back end.

    So when my account is migrated to the new version--I dare ask--what will happen to all those locked notes on my phone that haven't synced? 😱

    Btw, I just read an article from Jan 2019 where (then new) CEO Ian Small admitted it was known "sync doesn't always work right", and vowed to spend 2019 addressing such issues by "...overhauling the core infrastructure that powers the app".  Wish I could ask him my question above. Tried tweeting/emailing a couple months ago...

  4. Back again...  All of the notes with the sync issues have dates in the body of the note.  I tried replicating the error with notes that do not have dates in the body but so far have not been able to get the error for those notes--granted I only tested a couple notes.  It may be coincidental but it seems this started happening for me around the time I started getting prompted by EN to allow permission to my calendar and to "Make smart notes wirh my calendar and location."  I deny.  Is this a coincidence?   Anyone else observing these two things:  (1) locked notes have dates in body and (2) issues started when EN started wanting to make 'smart' notes using calendar/location?

  5. Back again...  All of the notes with the sync issues have dates in the body of the note.  I tried replicating the error with notes that do not have dates in the body but so far have not been able to get the error for those notes--granted I only tested a couple notes.  It may be coincidental but it seems this started happening for me around the time I started getting prompted by EN to allow permission to my calendar and to "Make smart notes wirh my calendar and location."  I deny.  Is this a coincidence?   Anyone else observing these two things:  (1) locked notes have dates in body and (2) issues started when EN started wanting to make 'smart' notes using calendar/location?

  6. On 6/22/2020 at 1:21 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    ..., it might be worth subscribing to Premium for just one month (you can drop back to Basic afterward) in order to get access to support. But honestly I'm not sure there's much they can do for you in this situation.

    Don't bother.  I am a Premium user.  All I got from Tech Support was "we are aware of the issue.  we hope to resolve in next release. sorry for inconvenience. "  The issue has gotten really annoying because it will allow me to edit some previously-not-locked notes but then locks the notes when I try to save the changes.  So I have notes (with changes) on my phone that I can't access/backup in Windows. 

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