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Posts posted by s2sailor

  1. 10 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Apple does AI mainly on device, and what goes to the servers is anonymized and processed by Apple themselves, not in a shady startup always hungry for training data.

    This makes a huge difference for somebody like me who is professionally handling customer relevant data, under GDRP conditions.

    Yes, that makes a huge difference to me as well as someone suspicious of AI in general.  

  2. 4 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Instead of UI chichi I am waiting for iCal integration.

    There is nothing wrong with wanting both 🙂.  Hiding unused content in the sidebar does seem to generate some discussion here and is pretty low-hanging fruit for the programmers to add.  It is not high on my list, but I'll use it when it'simplemented.

    5 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    With all the new Apple AI functions that will roll out in the next months

    The new enhancements to Notes is making that a compelling competitor for those on the Apple platform.

    I'm curious to see if their new password app will be a reasonable replacement to 1Password.  I wouldn't mind dropping another subscription.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Jon/t said:

    Same as you tasks. I used to use Todoist but moved everything into EN around a year ago and never looked back. 

    Saved a subscription as well.

    Exactly my situation as well.  We struggled with some tasks glitches as they were working through Rent, but it seems to have settled now, and I find recurring tasks very useful.

    I didn’t think I would find it useful, but seeing tasks on the calendar view is helpful.

    I’m still searching for a use case for Files though … 🙂

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, mackid1993 said:

    So it you don't renew your subscription and let it lapse, it'll drop to free. If you poke around the app, you'll very quickly be offered a 40% discount for Personal to resubscribe. It's insanely easy to keep renewing at 40% off every year if you know what to do.

    Could be, but I tried exactly that a couple of times and was never offered a discount.  Maybe just my bad luck.

  5. 9 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    I think it's just better to pay for Personal and try to milk the 40% off targeted discounts they seem to constantly offer each year.

    I think those discounts only target new customers, not existing ones.  At least I’ve not noticed one for existing  customers.

    i dropped to personal a while back as well and am not missing any of the professional benefits. AI won’t get me to move unless it is really compelling AND done entirely in-house without third party involvement.

  6. 37 minutes ago, biglarry5 said:

    That's why I suggested a win-win option: Add a large number of basic subscribers for 50.00, and charge much more for the bells and whistles.

    The trade off here is how many users paying the $130 rate would then decide that they can get by with the $50 plan?  So there would be some loss of revenue to balance against additional lower price subscribers.  They tried that years ago with the Plus plan and it was a failure.  That said, there are enough new features now where drawing a line between a basic plan and a professional plan may make sense trying again.

  7. 42 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    What continues to surprise me is the succession of users who come here to educate us as to the ease of switching to their own preferred supplier,  since they clearly feel that we're too dim or too slow to realise we could move,  and what wonderful alternative applications are out there.

    I don’t view it that way, at least for most of the responses.  I think in general, folks are just trying to inform Evernote on why they are leaving and what they are moving to.  I would think that Evernote would be interested in why users are leaving and what competition they are moving to.  Unfortunately, as we know, Evernote doesn’t engage here, and may not even be reading posts, so if users really want to give their farewell reasons to Evernote, then feedback@evernote.com is their best bet.

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, iceman melb said:

    They said it's fixed which they have in 10.104.2 Mobile and running on IOS and Andriod!

    However I've just download 10.105.1 and Offline in Settings is not showing me any offline notes. So it's stuffed again.

    That is not my experience.  With version 10.104, I was in the process of downloading all my notes to my iPhone.  It was about 1/2 way completed.  I upgraded to 105 and the download has continued from where it left off and is now almost done.  It doesn't appear that I lost any of the earlier offline notes with the upgrade.

  9. 12 minutes ago, allendick said:

    It happens on the website, too. 

    I don't need that note but I wonder what else is lost

    Is the note actually missing or is it the link to the note that is broken?  Can you find the note if you search for the note title instead of using the link?  If the note is missing, is this a recent note or one that you haven't used in a while?  I ask because over the past year, Evernote has made some major changes to their backend software and it was not without problems.  Others have reported missing data in the past but I haven't noticed any recent posts.

  10. 8 minutes ago, allendick said:

    Desktop Win 11 all up to date.

    Ok, so if I understand correctly, the "you don't have access" message is seen when trying to click on links to other notes, is that correct?

    We still need an answer to my other question:

    1 hour ago, s2sailor said:

    Can you access the note when logged into Evernote using the web browser?

    If the problem exists when using Evernote via your web browser then I'm out of ideas and, unless others have any ideas, it is support ticket time, unfortunately.

    If it works correctly from your web browser then that points to a problem with your Windows installation.  I have three ideas here, from easiest to hardest:

    1. As PE mentioned, sign out, keeping your backup, and then sign back in.  Maybe that will be enough.  If not,

    2. sign out and when it asks you to keep the local backup, select the remove my Evernote data option.


    Sign back in and it will rebuild your Windows database.   Depending on the size of your database it could take a while to completely rebuild it, but it should be useable fairly soon.

    3. If neither of those works, then it is time for the nuclear option.  Uninstall using Revo.  A general uninstall likely will not work, you need to use Revo.  Then reinstall.

    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, allendick said:

    Comments like that are not at all constructive

    You posted on a 6 month old thread with a comment that had nothing to do with the thread subject.  In fairness, neither was yours.  I honestly wondered why you bothered posting.

    3 hours ago, allendick said:

    It seems the forum is occupied by a few fanboys and forum addicts,

    I'm a fanboy because I called your post a rant?  Interesting.  If not a rant, then what was it?  You have been around here long enough to know this is a user's group.  If you have a complaint, the best chance that it will at least get read by an employee is to send your comments to feedback@evernote.com, and if you have a question, there are folks here who will usually do their best to try and help.

    • Like 1
  12. 18 minutes ago, allendick said:

    Those of us who come here to comment occasionally are ignored by the developers and our comments are didmissed by the forum denizens.

    So why are you bothering?

    19 minutes ago, allendick said:

    What kind of stable software has uodates and changes almost weekly and insists I look at 'notifications' about things tnat do not interest me or greets me with a page announcing 'features' I never wanted.

    Oh, to rant.  I see ... noted.

    • Like 1
  13. 40 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    Still not perfect but it seems like they are getting their footing slowly. Have you noticed the same?

    I can't say that I have.  The recent no note found problem with tasks rendered tasks unusable for me on mobile devices for a few days.  It is now fixed but these types of problems should not have been missed.  It seems like the developers working on problems, work to fix the problem but then do no QA to see if their latest code breaks anything else.

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