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  1. Same problem here - @gmx Adress. Ticket is open. Cheers. Edit: Technical support fixed it.
  2. Hi all, as promised, I'll share the result of my request (I asked support, they were ok with me quoting them - I shorted it a bit) " Thank you for sending [a video of the problem], it worked and I was able to identify the widget you were mentioning. I consulted my Android development team about this issue and it seems that we are aware and investigating. For the sake of all transparency, it could take some time before we get to fix this issue. To elaborate, since last year, we've been busy working on revamping major components of the app, including the syncing mechanism, our backend infrastructure, our note editor to only name a few - both on desktop and mobile devices. This work has been the highest priority company-wide and has been affecting the priority of other issues. I know it's been a long time since we haven't came out with new functionalities, and I want to thank you for your support, and sticking with Evernote. We are very excited to share very soon what we've been dedicating our efforts to for the last year. If you'd like to know more about what we're up to, I invite you to read the latest blog post of our CEO Ian Small — 2020 Update: Our Progress and the Road Ahead. We also published Behind The Scenes videos to show you what in more details some of our work in-house — I recommend watching the video about our work on the redesign of the mobile app. This will also apply to the note editor in Evernote for iPhone and Android. [...] I made sure to forward all the helpful information you've included in this ticket to the engineering team. [...] Looks like we'll just have to wait. Cheers Alex P.S: Saved searches etc. as a link on the homescreen were provided as a workaround.
  3. Hi all, the lag is really a deal breaker. I would love to use evernote for handwritten notes, but currently it is unbearable. Cheers Alex
  4. Hi, I'm bringing this up because I have a similar issue with the new note 10. I can't open single notes from the widget if it shows saved searches or notebooks ; I can open individual notes from the reminder view. The only way to open individual notes from notebook /saved search view is to close evernote with the back button. it won't work if I open evernote and press the home button. I have tried the battery optimization and device management settings, but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions? Thanks Alex
  5. When I first read this and implemented (i.e. stole) it, it changed the way I use Evernote. Really like Android's widget displaying that (dynamic) saved search = my todo list. Thanks for the input!
  6. @DTLow Thanks for sharing your setup. I too would be interested in a post in which you would describe everything in more detail. One question : do you haye a 'waiting for' tag/mechanism? I.e. something marking a task that can only be done after some one else did something (e.g. one is waiting for an email of someone). @Mike McGowan You might want to check out filterize.net, a service which let's you automate some things including reminders - maybe you could use it for bulk updating. Cheers Alex
  7. The new design is neat, but the countdown (on twitter) and the posts are a bit over the top. I too hoped for improvements in functionality (handwriting in android is still laggy; dark mode would be great etc.). Cheers
  8. Hi DTLow, Sorry if I expressed myself unclearly. What I meant was that with citavi, I have the option in word to insert the citation of the text as a footnote, the form of the citation being related to what kind of text (e.g. article, judgment etc.) it is. Meaning the citation of the text is the same throughout the document and I can change it later as well. It's a bit off-topic, check out a description of citavi if I am still unclear. Cheers Alex
  9. Hi, I had this discussion lately. I prefer citavi for my PhD work, since it integrates with word, meaning citation is much easier. However, if you work on a Mac and/or don't need the citation feature, Evernote should work. It's the old dicsussion of Notebooks v tags, but you could have your whole thesis structure replicated by tags (e.g. Introduction - main part - conclusion) with hierarchical subtags, which would give you the option to use a note containing the source (a pdf file for example) and tag it according to where in your phd you'll use the source. Regards Alex
  10. Hi, I can comment from my experience on the Note 4 and now Note 8: I experience a similiar lag. It is not related to your device, others (see e.g. ) have had similar problems. Alex
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