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Everything posted by Historynerd

  1. Windows 10, latest version of Firefox and the clipper. When I disable ublock and such the clipper will work, but with the other plugins it doesn't play nice. Since those are also used by a lot of Firefox-users, trying to make it play nice with those would be awesome.
  2. Hello, The Firefox webclipper is not working in combination with the following other addons: Ublock, privacy badger, privacy setting, cookie autodelete (even with evernote whitelisted) and https everywhere. Could you try to make it play nice with these add-ons? There are used by many users. Logging in or staying logged in doesn't work.
  3. If you have and hold your own encryption keys, yes. Relying on the encryption that Apple or Evernote provide is not wise. They hold the keys and can supply the key if the court orders it.
  4. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/j5yyxp/evernote-search-warrant-gave-data-to-us-government Care tell us a bit more about this, Evernote? I know for one thing I will end my subscription and delete my data and account. I am going to use Joplin, which is basically an Evernote clone, but with markdown and the option for local storage or on a Nextcloud instance. Privacy is important to me and I can't trust Evernote in that regard anymore. Byebye.
  5. Since Evernote does not provide encryption, securing or protecting sensitive information is useless that way. Local notebooks on Mac can be protected by encryption provided by MacOs, but doesn´t help public notebooks and web/windows users. The only things that benefit everyones Evernote-account. * Don´t store passwords in Evernote, use a password manager for that. * Don´t reuse passwords, unique and long passwords for every service you use * Enable 2FA where you can Check also this wonderful guide on protecting yourself: https://watchyourhack.com/
  6. It seems to me that most of the people with perfomance problems have a lot of attachments and/or PDF´s in Evernote. Perhaps the culprit is there somewhere? I have a lot of notes, but no PDF´s or attachments in Evernote. I don´t use Evernote as a digital filing cabinet to store files. My files are stored seperately. Evernote is a pure note-taking app/research tool for me.
  7. If you keep a list of passwords in Evernote (which is something that you should never do) change the passwords of all your accounts. Keep an eye on your creditcard and Paypal for weird transactions. Probably the hackers used a password from you that was found in hack of? also used on an other service. Check the website https://haveibeenpwned.com/ Also: use a password manager, and use unique and strong passwords everywhere.
  8. There have been a lot of data breaches with other software and services. if you use the same password and/or e-mailaddress also on Evernote, you´re - excuse my words - fucked. It doesn´t mean Evernote has been breached, it is just very likely that your password and e-mailaddress are also used somewhere else and that that service was hacked. Check https://haveibeenpwned.com/ to see which services that you use have been breached and in which ones your details became known. Changing the Evernote password is not enough, you also have to change the password of your e-mail, since a) most people use the same password for that and b) password reset mails are being send to that address, which isn´t wise if someone also has access to your mail and can read where you updated your passwords. This site uses lists of leaked accounts that are being shared between hackers. So, change passwords everwhere, using the password generator of your password manager.Use long and unique ones everywhere. Setup two-factor authencation where you can.
  9. Coloured tags! Windows has them, Mac not I believe.
  10. Clipping of webpages takes longer if there are pictures and video's on it or if the markup of the page is complex, in my experience.
  11. Blog from the CEO of Evernote: https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2016/03/03/evernote-defends-user-data-security-and-transparency/
  12. This is a user forum, so the chance that an evernote employee will answer is small The decision of Evernote for NO Linux-version can be found in this thread (click on the green title "Evernote for Linux" to read the whole thread) :
  13. I think that part of the problem is that people try to do things with Evernote while it is not designed or optimal for those things.....
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