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  1. This article's a real fascinating read, and brings up a point that applies to the Electron-based Evernote client. And observations of what other apps have gotten more sluggish due to abstraction slop.
  2. Does anyone else get logged out when doing batch operations in non-Legacy? I like that there's a built-in import folders feature, but I have it set to import 100s of items at a time, which isn't even smoothly viable. It's pretty awkward: I have the new (but not necessarily improved) Evernote running side-by-side with Legacy. Both apps open at once. Viewed through the lens of various batch operations, you'd think Legacy is the newer one. I continue to add tags to and move 100s of notes at once with Legacy, with ease. When I flip over to Evernote, I can see the changes take awhile to propagate, very slowly, a few notes at a time. This isn't a more robust "all at once" sync as I'm accustomed to seeing in other apps. The current Evernote client is still not practical for me to handle even a few dozen notes at a time. It'll regularly crawl, pause, and log me out. On occasion, it will even corrupt the database (ugh) and I have to redownload that. As before, Evernote staff are welcome and encouraged to contact me for diagnostics. Don't think it's just me. I've reached out before but haven't had direct acknowledgment, just a "we'll pass it along..." type thing with no followup. I've used Evernote since 2008, I reckon is longer than most here, so I've seen changes over the years. Been through a lot of other major platform changes, software and hardware. But as it stands, regardless of what their plans are, it's clear there's a lot of unhappiness and disappointment. I've migrated more note/documentation stuff that isn't OCR-based to Notion which is great about making relations between notes/pages clear. I'd wholeheartedly recommend checking that out if it's a better fit for your workflow.
  3. @PinkElephant Hey. I get where you're coming from, but it's not constructive to keep going in on it, so I'd appreciate if you take a step back and refrain from making more unfounded assumptions — notice I did not say "duplication of features" either. I said "key features", which is a specific subset. I like some of the new stuff, sure, but that shiny is tarnished by what doesn't work. Multi-select and tagging and moving notes is a common operation, but it does NOT consistently perform well in the current Evernote. This isn't an obscure niche feature, but a basic function. Even your own test shows it takes 30 or 17 seconds, which is a lot longer than the "almost instant" in Legacy. That is a substantial difference, scaled many times over. It's heck of a lot slower compared to similar operations in various other apps. So what are my expectations? A performance improvement. Yes, I'm grateful we can continue to use Legacy. Never said I wasn't. Again — please ask and be curious instead of assuming. Learn more about me, and others on here, so you can see things from diverse perspectives, and give more effective help that you're already so prolific with. But despite the long road to sunsetting Legacy, it's clear from the voices of others here that it still feels premature. I'm just echoing what others have said better than me, but giving some examples. I'm trying to learn about what makes my setup perform so much worse than yours. Again, as you didn't clarify: what is your database size and in your experience, does that affect multi-note operations?
  4. @PinkElephant I need to clarify this is not constructive or helpful, and it's a gross misinterpretation : No, I did not ask or even imply that. I said this: "all key functionality is equivalent OR BETTER". I don't think that's unreasonable. I politely ask that you please read what I said more carefully, since you make it sound like I'm not in favor of progress, when the opposite is true. Doing similar operations is running a lot slower for me by magnitudes. It also fails unreliably when I'm changing a few dozen tags at a time. I'm unclear as to why, unless it's tied to database size or some factor... what's the size of yours? I'm on very fast Internet so it's not a connection issue, either. The workaround you suggested is OK on occasion if I'm doing one very large batch, but still isn't suitable for my ongoing workflow. I am having a bad user experience, as are others here, based on their emotional upset around making Legacy disappear. I know you like helping a lot here and previous answers of yours have taught me to use Evernote better, so please add some empathy for those differing perspectives and pain points. What's working acceptably for you is clearly not for me or others. Here's a related observation: batch-tagging and similar operations also blocks multitasking in Evernote with the progress dialog, unlike Legacy where it happens in parallel, leaving me free to do other things. This is objectively a step backwards. If someone from the Evernote Team wants to work with me to get diagnostics and solve this — not just for myself but other users who've reported similarly — I'd appreciate it.
  5. @agsteele Thanks for affirming my observations. I don't believe Legacy should be removed until all key functionality is equivalent OR BETTER in the newer version. To be more specific, here's what I'm observing, which anyone else should be able to repro: Select 100 notes. Add one tag to them. Move all 100 notes to another notebook. EVERNOTE LEGACY — It all happens very fast! EVERNOTE (CURRENT VERSION) — it chokes at adding the tags. I've noticed more problems recently where I can't even reliably do it on 50, let alone 500 (per the config edit shared on the forums). Evernote may very well freeze or crash, and this is AFTER I've restarted with a fresh database. Moving 100 notes is also one by one, and feels painful unmodern. I'm on an Apple Silicon Mac running Ventura. Most other apps don't feel as dodgy. Regardless of what code/framework they're using, the end-user experience should be better, smoother, and not inferior to Legacy.
  6. Hm, isn't doing that also indicative that Evernote has reliability issues and there should be a built-in error correction or way that it'd automatically "massage" that for you? Another thing they could — should — do is fully add robust multi note operations to the web client. When you move, say, 50 notes from one notebook to another, does it feel very slow to you? Like it's one at a time? Whereas with Legacy it feels a lot more responsive. This is pretty backwards behavior.
  7. @PinkElephant Thanks for trying to help — unfortunately this has repeatedly happened and I have done a total reinstall. It's exhausting at this point, given the large database size. I'm certainly not alone (as evidenced by other forum threads) about multi-select issues. I'm thinking I may just go back to Legacy because I know it will do what I want it to do without this fuss. Or look at alternate solutions since Evernote is not scaling well for me.
  8. The current Evernote client (non-Legacy) remains very unstable at selecting many notes and adding tags or otherwise editing them. I'm currently in a frustrating situation where I can't even launch it after trying to batch-tag multiple notes. Legacy did this a lot smoother. Then Evernote crashed and I can't relog for a long time. Sometimes if I reinstall, it works. This has been an issue for a long while. I also have a related issue where if I select a bunch of notes and change them en masse, the edits are inconsistently applied to most — not all — the notes. This is terrible. For a reassuring path forward, these longtime bugs need to be solved — functionality should be better in the new version. It doesn't surprise me that some want to hang on because there isn't a robust route forward yet.
  9. I found out what my issue was, if this helps someone else: I was one pair of closing brackets too short. Make sure not to overwrite the final "}" in the config.json! Overall mine looks like this: { "dev": { "mainUrl": "http://localhost:3003", "isFleEnabled": true, "ceVersion": "", "isOfflineSearchEnabled": null, "isNapLoginEnabled": null, "tracingEnabled": false, "checkForLocalNotebooks": null, "isNetLogEnabled": null, "conduitWatcherCacheEnabled": true }, "general": { "defaultServiceHost": "https://www.evernote.com", "forceUpdateOnStart": true, "popupNoteWindowLimit": 20, "isSentryEnabled": true }, "qa": { "multiSelectionLimit": 500 } } Got it working now, THANKS SO MUCH!!!
  10. @PinkElephant Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge. I tried doing this hack but it looks like Evernote reverts the "qa" section on startup, meaning I can only select 50 notes. I can't lock the file since Evernote needs to make changes to it. Is there anything else that needs to be done?
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