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Everything posted by lost_gweedo

  1. GTD is a subscription from the GDT author's organization. I like GTD, but fall into the "adapt the principles to my needs" camp versus the "all in" camp. I know folks, though, that swear by the process and are pretty effective at being organized. I haven't pulled the trigger on that subscription, so can't speak to it myself but I'm pretty sure the guide uses the EN legacy.
  2. The flexibility of setting a recurring date interval (e.g. first monday of month, every month on the 2nd, etc) is great. Better than I was expecting, thanks evernote team! (next can we get a text box for description and ability to create a link in the task title to a note (without seeing the link)). Still, a great tool, much appreciated.
  3. Not sure if I understand your request fully, so your mileage may vary... If you know the filter you want, select that filter from the filter list. Yes, you end up with a gob smack of returns that can include all folders. Then, filter those results by notebooks/etc (upper right portion of the note view). You can also begin from the 'all notes' view, and filter by tag and notebook, etc. I don't always remember what notebook a note lives in, so this is a nice way for me to progressively search.
  4. Hi Doug, best wishes on this process. Reading through your request, I'm not sure what your preferred method of 'input' is... are you OK with with a device with a keyboard for daily entry and taking to doctor appts, or tablet with handwriting, or ?. At Dr. appointments, it seems to me it would be easier to write quick notes-whether in a paper notebook or something like woodnotes on a tablet-versus keyboard entry. Suggestions above about note creation and organization seem great to me (I would keep separate notes versus combining). You could use a paper notebook and transfer later/daily to evernote. There are sites such as the one linked below with goodnotes templates designed for cancer treatment/recovery. Also some paper notebooks that are similar (which is what my wife prefers). https://jenniferadouglas.com/goodnotes-and-breast-cancer/
  5. Thanks for the thought. The task title is important (I think) to be able to see. I’ll try and use the link at the end of the title and see what it’s like. It could be a temp work-around. Hoping for a link that doesn’t show the url, but will do what’s needed to get things done.
  6. This has been touched on a little in the EN topic asking users how they would use calendar, but I think it's worth its own request. Tasks are great, thank you. Please add the ability to link to a separate, unique note from within each task. Either as a simple text box that can handle X number of characters and we can place a link there, or as a separate item within the task. E.g. I want to have a single note that I can place many tasks in. Some tasks need to link to the project note where the work is being done/accumulated/etc. In my case, it's an implementation of GTD. I know that the task links back to the note that it lives in, but I would like to be able to link to the relevent note within my "Projects" or "Delegated" notebook. thanks
  7. @Beartooth Obviously there is a lot of passion about the subject. I've taken some of the steps mentioned above, as well as some others such as usb storage with physical keys. It really depends on the material. Build yourself a list of the items you want to protect. Figure out if there are legal requirements (employee info, medical, etc) and make sure you're following them first. Make sure you're running good and updated anti virus/malware. The rest has been said already. have fun.
  8. If not comfortable in the registry, you could install evernote, then follow @PinkElephant's suggestion of a third party uninstaller. The uninstall software should be able to follow the breadcrumbs back to the registry and any other system files that might be causing the current error message.
  9. Evernote is not bundled with windows. Was your computer new to you (used) or brand new? Uninstall through the 'add and remove programs' option in windows settings if you don't want it, windows doesn't need it.
  10. I look at this from a cost (time) versus risk perspective. The risk of losing your single notebook is very, very slim while the consequence of a loss are very high. Since the time it takes to export a notebook onto a thumb drive is very low, it makes sense to sleep a little better at night. But, in the 3.5 inch floppy days, I lost a huge chunk of my thesis and had to redo so take the comment for what it's worth...
  11. Not sure why, someone smarter than me might have an idea. I tested this morning and can search my handwritten notes that I have in EN both ways. I've exported (as pdf) directly from noteability into EN (using the 'share to' function in noteability and choosing EN). I've also exported a noteability doc as a pdf into a windows folder, then used EN to import the file. Both methods give me a good search result. Things to consider? In EN, make sure your search criteria are what you think they are....remove any tag or folder filters....or make sure they are correct. Sometimes I am in a EN folder working on a note and I perform a search--and the search is being filtered by the tag or the folder that I am working in. That will limit your search parameters. Good luck.
  12. Hi @GeorgeK I use notability. Assuming my handwriting isn't too bad, current version of EN will word search in handwritten notes. I import them into EN as a pdf, and the search results highlight the found words. I know that Goodnotes is another popular choice among folks here in EN discussion as well, not sure about word-searching in there but would assume you'd have similar results.
  13. Hmm. I simply open the file from within the note, make my edits and hit save. Changes are saved to the file within the note, I don't reattach a file to the note. It does work differently for me on my ipad, though. At least in MS office docs....I have to save a local copy to make edits, and that changed file need to be manually attached to the note ( I should have been more clear). How office handles itself on my tablet (ipad pro) is my main complaint about trying to make my tablet replace my 'puter.
  14. Running windows: excel/word/etc within EN saves the file to a folder in your local user folder where the evernote db lives. Any changes you make to a file will be reflected on other devices as well.
  15. Thanks. feel free to share your tips. I started a new topic in general discussion and tagged you, so we can keep this thread relatively on topic.
  16. I've decided that GTD is the only way I'll clear out my head a bit and make room for important things, improve my productivity, etc. I use EN as a reference system for info, to do, some file storage that I need add context to with notes, etc. I've started learning GTD methods and am currently in the beginning stages. While there are other, perhaps better suited tools for GTD, I don't want too many software tools floating around and am going to make EN work for it. There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of posts here about this, so let me start laying out how I'm doing it (early stages) and maybe we can learn from each other... Tagging a couple users (hope you don't mind) @JJJ-CCC@Claudiofpiga Overall Structure: Using EN in two ways. First, a stack dedicated to my inmplementation of GTD (again, very early in my GTD learning). Then, other stacks for reference, etc., (previous and ongoing use of EN). Thanks to @PinkElephant for the idea to use emoji as a way to visually call out notebooks. Capture and Clarify folder: I use two simple (two column) tables where I quickly type in simple tasks/ideas when triggered. Kind of a dumping ground. Second column I use to paste a link to the project note in Official Projects notebook. I have two tables, one to capture single tasks, another for reoccuring tasks. Currently looks like this: In the Official Projects folder, I use a slightly modified EN template in the GTD template group for each item. In terms of workflow, I keep EN open always on a second monitor, with the GTD Capture and Clarify notebook open. Anything that comes to mind gets a quick line item. Throughout the day I refer back and either create a project note for it, or complete it and delete. For Weekly Review, I use the existing EN template. My question to the brilliant EN users out there.....care to share any tips, suggestions, recommended templates? Thank you in advance.
  17. In response to your question about a modified GTD....I am just now starting down that rabbit hole with EN. Maybe you can call it a new years thing, but I'm tired of having too many things floating in my head and GTD seems to be the way to help my productivity. I'll probably start a post in the general discussion with my experience so far, and asking for others to give advice. If I do, I'll flag you.
  18. Hi @Jack Lynch. Embedding a link in the task works, and is a good workaround. While tasks are a great addition to EN and I'm interested to see where the development goes, the task title is already cramped in space. Without other areas in the task to place the context that @JJJ-CCC discusses above, everything needs to be crammed in the title. The task box (when open) cannot be resized, so the user is left to scroll through the task title to read. Perhaps part of the future development could be separate text boxes for links, or something similar to give ability to flesh out our tasks a little more.
  19. I'd like to switch to Mac at work, but company IT gets to choose the hardware... Just verified it works in windows EN. I use the shortcuts for my frequent use notebooks, just trying to visually denote a few stacks/notebooks that I keep overlooking....thanks for the assist.
  20. I find that when I'm looking for a particular notebook or stack I keep staring at the one I'm looking for but don't realize it. I'd love the ability to somehow make a couple of them stand out from the rest. Maybe font color, or the ability to chose the notebook icon from a small EN selection of approved icons? Thanks.
  21. Thank you for the reply and the reminder about links in task titles. I'm happy that EN is asking for throughts and actually reading it--kudos. It may just be me....I like short note and task titles to keep my initial views concise, but I'll keep using your advice for now. thanks!
  22. I'll agree with @TheKnighWhoSaysNI in his Bonus Points section about the the date auto forwarding if it's not completed. Otherwise, I'm not sure I really care for task integration with a third party calendar. If you were to implement, I'd suggest some kind of bare-bones link that lives in the calendar but links back to the actual task in EN. Then, I could see (in my calendar) that I do have tasks, and how they lay out temporally with my calendar appts. Getting too many items in with my calendar appointments would be crowded and I'd lose sight of appointments. But, redirecting me back to EN via a tiny url or similar would keep my workflow in EN. +1 for @dbvirago I would like to see a calendar view of my tasks within EN though, or perhaps a gantt style calendar view. Doesn't need to be fancy. If the goal is to make tasks more effective, I'd vote for a little more info within each task. Maybe an option to link to an outside URL, or the abilty to tag tasks (especially if they're created without an associated note. The ability to add a few lines of text in the body of the task to provide context so I don't have to try to do that in the note title... thanks for asking.
  23. You can also use the 'File" dropdown on the left to export as pdf (Windows desktop client). Pretty clean output.
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