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Posts posted by Analyst444

  1. gazumped - Thanks for sharing your experience and what worked / didn't work.

    I'm thinking the filter options available in Evernote MacOS 10 and iOS 10 should help avoid getting long lists of search results. However, the little testing I have done suggests it is a 2-step search. - - - More testing needed.

    In regard to the term "focus point", the term I used for Notebook is "Topics". The term I use for Tags is "Attributes" (of Notes). After 8 years using Evernote, those terms have held up pretty well.


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  2. I have several to many cases in which I have 2 Notes with the same title, but are in 2 different Notebooks. This is not a big deal with Evernote on MacOS. However, on iOS when I show a list of Notes and those 2 Notes show up, I can't easily tell which is which.

    I'd like to see the Notebook name on the Notes list in iOS, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

    Can anyone suggest a work-around? 

  3. It seems it's been 2-3 months since we last heard anything from the Evernote leadership. I realize they are all working from home, but the same is true at many other companies.

    I sense the betas are moving along, but it seems at a slow pace.

    Do you have any insight into what is / is not going on?

    It was a year and a half ago that Ian Small announced his "rebuild the foundation" plan.  - - -  Candidly, I wouldn't be surprised at this point to hear that Evernote was sold to another company. Google is a likely candidate.

  4. I am not a marketing person, but I can appreciate the importance and value of good branding.
    I read the entire piece in Medium. It was quite well written, but struck me as over-kill. An article covering the same topics, but about 25% as long, would have sufficed.
    But, yes, as other people in this thread indicated, this is all about changing the packaging while the product stays the same. - - - And yes, in the past year, there have been a variety of enhancements implemented in the new releases.
    However, it seems to me that the major challenge for Evernote management is how to make a significant enhancement to the product without making the product materially more complicated.
    I also observe that most (maybe all) of the people commenting in this thread are very experienced and very sophisticated Evernote users. Those types of customers are harder to satisfy in any business, particularly when the supplier can't charge them a higher price. - - - Suppliers of products must ensure that their product capabilities match the needs of the masses real well - - - and, if I give Evernote management the benefit of the doubt, they decided now was the time to appeal to the masses by enhancing the brand.
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  5. I have a variety of Notes in which I create a list of events. I start each item on the list with the date/time. With EN iOS, I have to type it in manually. I don't want to create a Note for each event, as I include other related information in the Note. I want to take the whole information picture into account at one time.

    It's been 2-3 years since I submitted an official enhancement request for a button on the Note screen that will enter the current system date/time at the insert point. It hasn't happened, yet.

    Should I give up hope?

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  6. @Neyghey - You asked about criteria for defining Urgency. Here is an approach.
    • If you can complete the task in less than 2 minutes, do it now. Don't even waste time categorizing it as Urgent. Do it and then delete it.
    • If the task clearly needs to be done today or tomorrow, categorize it as Urgent and start working on it now.
    • If no other person has imposed a Due Date on you, categorize the task as NotUrgent and go work on the ImportantAndUrgent tasks.
    Once you've got all tasks categorized as Urgent or NotUrgent, you more than likely have several tasks categorized as ImportantAndUrgent. The issue immediately becomes, "In what sequence do you work on those tasks?" --- Here is a relatively simple approach. (In one sense, sequencing also helps define Urgency.)
    I suggest there are 4 factors to take into consideration for each ImportantAndUrgent task:
    1. Tasks Dependencies. Do you need to wait for one or more other tasks to be completed before starting on a task? If yes, then, obviously, this is not the tasks to work on first.
    2. Task Slack Time - This is the difference between (A) The number of days or hours you are scheduled to work before the Due Date of the task and (B) The number of days or hours it will take you to complete the task. Estimate (in your mind) each task's slack time. For example, if the Due Date is 10 days out and you will plan on working 9 of those days (A), and a task requires 2 days of your time (B), then the task's slack time is 7. --- Tasks with smaller slack times need to be worked on before those with larger slack times. --- If a task has negative slack time, you are in trouble. You can't get it done in time. In addition, working on one task may not leave you with enough time to complete some other tasks by its Due Date. --- Depending the nature of your work and number of tasks, you may need a more elaborate scheduling system.
    3. Pecking Order - Completing something for your boss (or a customer) is more important than completing something for a peer (or a supplier). Hedge your bets when it comes to the sequence of tasks.
    4. Availability of Other People - If you need help from other people to complete a task, then you should at least start such tasks (and determine the availability of those other people) before starting tasks that you can do on your own.
    It takes time and experience to be able to quickly evaluate the above criteria and resolve any apparent conflicts resulting from the evaluation. The objective is not to sequence all of the ImportantAndUrgent tasks, but only the first 2-4 to be worked on. Once those are completed, things will have changed and the sequence of the other tasks will likely need to be changed.
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  7. @Neyghey - One follow-on thought. You mentioned ASAPs 3-4 times in your prior post.

    When I was working, I found that bosses, peers, and other people would bring me assignments / tasks / things to do. They would present their need with this emotional sense of "urgency" and they labeled it as ASAP. It took me a few years to catch on, but most of the time, I was rarely given a due date for those ASAPs. The requester rarely indicated that the need had to be fulfilled by a particular date. So, I switched my policy for prioritizing my work. If no due date was given, I categorized the ASAP as not urgent and it would go to the bottom of the list with the other, no due date ASAPs. 

    You mentioned that "every ASAP has got to have a due date". If your bosses, peers, others are giving you the due dates, then you will have to roll with punches. But, if you are assigning the due dates, then I'd say you are causing yourself more stress that what is needed.

    As jefito clearly said, somehow you've got to narrow your focus.



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  8. @Neyghey - Here are a couple thoughts. (3) below may be the most important.

    (1) There were at least 2 times in the past that I tried to categorize many (500?) Tasks (Notes) by "importance". I found that I couldn't effectively do it. I was spending too much time looking over each of the Tasks (Notes) to review/redefine each's level of "Importance". If you can make it work, you are a more capable person that I. --- I would have spent an inordinate amount of time, even if I could have sorted the Tasks (Notes) manually.

    (2) Never the less, if you feel the need to review/redefine the "Importance" of many Tasks (Notes), then an approach that still uses Tags is to create another Tag that defines "Priority" (sequence). The way to avoid reassigning values for many Tasks (Notes) at one time is to use a scheme for the "Priority" Tag like this:

    • Priority00100
    • Priority00200
    • Priority00300
    • Priority00400
    • Priority00500
    • etc.

    Then, when you want to set the "Priority" of a Task (Note) to be between the first two, give it a value of Priority00150. --- The point is to think of defining a Task (Note) as "Important" as different than defining the sequence in which to work on Tasks (Notes).

    (3) DTLow and I have offered a some ideas how to implement schemes for sorting Evenote Notes. But, perhaps, an even more important concept to share is that there are other criteria upon which to decide the sequence upon which to work on Tasks (Notes). One criterion I have used is "Urgency". Just because a Task (Note) is "Important", doesn't mean it is "Urgent". A simple scheme to help explain this would be to create a set of Tags like this:

    • ImportantAndUrgent
    • NotImportantAndUrgent
    • ImportantAndNotUrgent
    • NotIMportantAndNotUrgent
    Then, Tags Notes (tasks) as is appropriate.
    First, work on those Notes (tasks) with the first Tag.
    Then, work on those Notes (tasks) with the second Tag.
    Then, the third Tag.

    If you've got your life under control, then you will never take the time to work on those Notes (tasks) with the 4th Tag.


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  9. @Neyghey - This strikes me as a good situation in which to use Tags.

    Create some Tags like ImportanceHigh, ImportanceMedium, ImportanceLow, UrgencyHigh, UrgencyMedium, and UrgencyLow.

    Assign them to Notes as you see fit.

    Create Shortcuts for each Tag or combinations, thereof, as you see fit.

    Turn on "Remember View Settings" for particular cases.

    Select the Shortcut that fits you needs at any particular point in time. Evernote will find the appropriate set of Notes, sort them as you like, and present your desired view.

    Modify the Tag for any Note and Evernote will effectively "move" the Note to the appropriate list.

    I hope you feel this helps.

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  10. @s2sailor - Unless you are the low man on the totem pole in these meetings, why not consider suggesting to everyone else that they get their own copy of Evernote and then you can share a Notebook (or two) with each of them that has all the potentially relevant information. - - - During a meeting they can look up the information to discuss as well as you can.

    If that doesn't work for you, then consider reading up on doing "date" searches with Evernote. Between "Create Dates", "Update Dates", befores and afters, Evernote offers a lot of different search variations.

  11. It strikes me that @JayPii81's request is very close to an "outlining" function much like MS Word's for Evernote. It's not there, yet.

    Here's another approach with the current version of Evernote:

    • Convert your "section" names to Evernote Note Titles.
    • Place (or leave) your information below the "section" names in the body of the Notes.

    Then, you can look at a "Note List" to see what you call "sections" and then click on the name of one and see the subordinate information in the "Note Panel".

    If you need another level in the hierarchy of your information, then put the Notes in 2 or more Evernote "Notebooks". 


    @s2sailor - The same approach might work for you.

    Or how about this? Change the structure of your Evernote Notes so one "Note" is one and only one of your "topics". Put the name of the "topic" in the title of the "Note" and details about the "topic" in the body of the "Note".

    Then, give an Evernote "Tag" to each "topic" Note that indicates what meeting (or meetings) it applies to. Give each Note another Tag that indicates how "important" it is.

    Then, when the meeting starts, have Evernote search for the appropriate meeting "Tag" and those "Notes" which meet your "importance: criteria. 

    A side-benefit of this structure is that you could easily develop a list with Evernote that shows all the high "importance" topics, regardless of the meetings they apply to.

  12. @conejo23 - There aren't many different criteria that an Evernote user can base his structure scheme on. Examples are "Who", "What", "When", "Where", "Type". Given the issue you have raised, I would add "Purpose" to the list. When it comes to your 2016 Taxes, it seems to me that you chosen to define a Notebook around the "purpose" of the documents in your Evernote database and to use Tags to define the "Type" of documents (W2, K1). That's all well and good. I suspect it will work just fine for you.

    I believe what DTLow was pointing out to you was essentially the reverse. That is, define your Notebooks around the "Type" of documents (receipts, and insurance policies, which you have already done) and define your Tags around the "Purpose" of the document (and documents commonly have multiple purposes). As I look at the names of my Notebooks, most of them conform to this structural scheme. One reason I like this structure is that the "Type" of a document isn't likely to ever change, while when I either create or obtain a new document (or, in general, information), I can't always anticipate the future "purposes" I might have for it. - - - In addition, as a user's Evernote database grows, I think this kind of structural scheme will be more effective.

    And, of course, there is on other basic scheme. That is: 1 Notebook, no Tags, and add/use keywords with the title or body of the Notes.

    But again, go with what you believe is going to work well for you with your 2016 Taxes. - - - My suggesting would be that you (and any Evernote user) sit down and spend 10-15 minutes and seriously think about what scheme you will use for Notebooks and Tags. Then, adhere to it as best as you can for at least a few weeks. Over time (months to years), I sense that a fair amount of Evernote users change their scheme as they become more aware of the kinds of material they have been putting into Evernote. - - - And it's not a big deal to change a scheme. One of the great features of Evernote is that it will allow you to change the Notebook or Tag of a large batch of Notes all at one time. 


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