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Everything posted by ferol

  1. I leave my wife in Evernote for now too... and I still hope that Evernote will regain my trust. Blending Spoon working on it, but the missing attachments just don't add to my credit. I think that's pretty understandable...
  2. Now these were no vital remarks... But this is no way to approach a working tool... I can rent a climbing rope... pay rent for it regularly... Occasionally it breaks, but so far it has only broken about half a meter above the ground... so that's fine... I'll keep using the rope... I've taken it a bit to the extreme, but some people here would actually downplay it like that and argue the "ease" of using Evernote
  3. CTRL+R - no help... Exported from note history - same problem....
  4. Obsidian weirdness only happens when I'm adding or testing something. It works reliably for me in normal operation. Normal operation is that I have disabled automatic updates and fixed the stable state. What we are discussing above is the state of testing and adding more possible functionality. Which is not necessary and I don't need it. But I am interested in how it can be done. And I think that if I get hit by a bus, Obsidian won't care... And it will work without problems for another year, because I don't have automatic updates turned on... and it'll run quietly for a couple of years... And then it'll just be arranged somehow differently... Evernote is also handled by me and she still has some problems with them and I have to solve it for her. And I don't think I'm the only one in the world who uses it.
  5. Guys, I agree with you all.. Evernote is simple... But this Obsidian just doesn't do it for me (see screenshot from the note) . I've been struggling since yesterday, the note is from September last year, when I was working on v.10 I come across this a few times a week... I'll probably never see that 2 attachments again... The simplicity just has to work, but it doesn't work for me anymore... And believe it or not, this is why my wife is bugging me, why she doesn't have the notes she made... anyway colleagues. so I'm going to set up Obsidian and keep it all under control remotely via Dropbox, as I open the exact same thing for myself and if there's a problem, I know I'll fix it... As long as I have access to everything.
  6. Somehow I didn't figure it out. It gives me an error. Can you share your codes? Or send it to a private message, so we don't spam here...
  7. And why should the account actually be deleted? If the payment didn't go through, for example, or it somehow went wrong, then at most those accounts should become FREE accounts, the notes would be available, you just won't be able to add new ones...
  8. Thank you. That's how I use it already. I was wondering if you found a solution that would directly take the first image from the note and would not have to be put into COVER manually. I did find a Note Gallery that can do this. It's just an extra plugin, so if it goes through Dataview, that would be fine
  9. I already have one solution for thumbnails, but I am interested in another possibility. Maybe it will be better. I can also set a specific thumbnail. I am using this a lot at the moment. Is it sad... hard to say. Plugins are the main concept of Obsidian.
  10. Can you sent mi link for this - where you find solution for dataview with this thumbnails? The only way I've found so far is to manually add a COVER image directly to properties. But I haven't yet made dataview to display the images directly inserted in the notes.. Only the Note Galery plugin works for me...
  11. I've come across this a few times a week in the last month or so... the bad thing is that I don't even know what was in the attachments anymore... and the bad thing , when it happens to me at the moment when I really need it during a personal consultation with a client, for which I was preparing the day before...
  12. You can try save all images a insert back - look here:
  13. When I have this problem with one image (it happens to me), I just take a screenshot of the first note image and paste it to the second...
  14. Maybe if there are a lot of pictures and you don't want to copy one at a time, I would make a copy of the note with the pictures, clean it up and keep what I need from it, and then merge that copy with the note you wanted to copy to.. It's an idea, I don't know if it helps you
  15. We'll see how it turns out... I'm frustrated by searches and lost attachments... but I wonder if they'll resolve it in a reasonable time...
  16. So this update has sped up Evernote very noticeably indeed. On PC properly and on mobile also noticeably.
  17. Yes, it's poorly implemented. We also came across it by accident in a similar discussion
  18. try click everyvere in note.. (no to attachment) Right click mouse... And find export all attatchment.. If I remember correctly, that's how it's hidden there, but I'm not at the computer...
  19. Right. I'm not convincing you to use it. I'm just explaining that it's not really as hard as it looks...
  20. First like this: But I dont see it in makrdown... Normally I edit it exactly as you see it, like in Evernote ... I certainly wouldn't do that to tables I edit in markdown view
  21. Tables are definitely more flexible in Evernote in terms of formatting colors, cells, etc. But if you spend 2 evenings playing with it in Obsidian css for tables and prepare your system how you will use the tables... I don't see it as too much of a limitation anymore, as I saw at the beginning. A quick little demonstration while you wait:
  22. Here is my: But I haven't checked it in about a month to see if anything is fixed https://www.evernote.com/shard/s36/sh/468827bb-c76d-c5bd-ddfb-43939eec55da/J32CLUxj4RO04QyhAwufC6ywh0VMCQGJnqU8GaPl7ObyybsJ-fmwAGQsyQ
  23. We're having a normal discussion here, is there a problem with something?
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