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Create a subtag?

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I just found out that this was possible! I was trying to organize all my tags and found this awesome feature!


Note: I realized that the only way to use that specific tag is by adding the parent tag first. 


How long ago was this new feature implemented?

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  • Level 5*
9 minutes ago, Aurora A. said:

I just found out that this was possible! I was trying to organize all my tags and found this awesome feature!

It's one of the coolest features, and could possibly satisfy users wanting the folder filing methodology

I understand Windows EN can also use the hierarchy in searches.

It allows me to collapse my taglist to four entries in my sidebar; I use top level parents  ?Who !What @Where .When 

One downside is that the hierarchy doesn't get replicated to all platforms - I only have a flat list on my iPad 



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  • Level 5*
19 hours ago, Aurora A. said:

I realized that the only way to use that specific tag is by adding the parent tag first

Not really true. All tags are usable in search, no matter where in the  tag tree they exist. Evernote tags have been organizable in trees for years. However, a new feature of Evernote is to allow searches to automatically include subtags when the parent tag is used; to do that kind of search, then you will need to make a proper tree out of that set of tags.

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Oh it's just for organization on the tag list? 

I see what you're saying. I went to mobile and realized that it did not show up the same. I use mobile more than the desktop. Now I'm left to how I used to do it before. Here is an example of the tags I use. Maybe it will help some people. 

  • Article - Draft
  • Article - Proofread
  • Article - Edit
  • Article - Outline
  • Article - Published
  • Task - Read
  • Task - Highlight

It seems to be the only way for me to organize my life. 

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  • Level 5*
8 hours ago, Aurora A. said:

Oh it's just for organization on the tag list? 

I see what you're saying. I went to mobile and realized that it did not show up the same. I use mobile more than the desktop. Now I'm left to how I used to do it before. Here is an example of the tags I use. Maybe it will help some people. 

  • Article - Draft
  • Article - Proofread
  • Article - Edit
  • Article - Outline
  • Article - Published
  • Task - Read
  • Task - Highlight

It seems to be the only way for me to organize my life. 

I found long tagnames to be a problem; they get truncated in many views.

My work around was to use a consistant prefix - for example @ for all Article tags, + for all Tasks

Also, maybe use multiple tags, for example   Tag:Task    Tag:Article     Tag:Read    Tag:Published

I rely on saved searches so I could have a search called Task-Read that would retrieve notes with those two tags

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  • Level 5*
43 minutes ago, Aurora A. said:

Oh it's just for organization on the tag list? 

The ability to create tags hierarchies was mainly to be able to organize your tags, as originally designed. However, recently the Evernote Windows client added the ability to use the tag hierarchy in searches, such that if you searched for a parent tag, then it would perform a search for notes containing any of the parent tag or its subtags. I think it's in the current public release; it's enabled using the Tools / Options / Navigation / "Automatically select child tags" checkbox. But I don't think that this has made it to other clients yet; it's not in the Android client, as far as I know. Unfortunately.

If you shared how you use the tags that you listed, maybe some other user might be able to make suggestions for other tag arrangements that might work better for you.

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