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Deleting recent email recipients



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This has been first posted over a year ago and it doesn't seem to have it made into the product backlog. It would be really useful to have this feature, it's very cumbersome to have all these ancient emails in the recent drop down. A clear button would be really nice. Is this the only way to get something into the product backlog, or is there another way?

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On 01/03/2016 at 9:07 PM, mslsailor said:

This has been first posted over a year ago and it doesn't seem to have it made into the product backlog. It would be really useful to have this feature, it's very cumbersome to have all these ancient emails in the recent drop down. A clear button would be really nice. Is this the only way to get something into the product backlog, or is there another way?

Hi.  There's a product backlog?  Adding this option requires planning,  developing and testing and a variety of other expensive activities before being released.  That's assuming that doing the work at all will benefit more than the 5 folks who commented here so far.  The suggestion has been made,  and I'm sure it is on a list somewhere.  Only Evernote know whether,  and when it might be delivered.

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Totally agree. Don't need every email pulled up when emailing a note. A simple clear button or swipe left (or right) to delete would be great. Add me to the growing list of people who would like this feature or ability, count me at 7.

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On 03/03/2016 at 0:39 AM, gazumped said:

That's assuming that doing the work at all will benefit more than the 5 folks who commented here so far.

Not foot-dragging,  but priorities.  This isn't an issue that's complained of by so many or so loudly as some others in the past 12 months.  Evernote presumably have it on a list somewhere to be fixed when it fits into their schedule - but since they don't (usually) comment on what's being fixed or when fixes will be released,  we don't know when,  or if,  that will be.

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I'm upvoting the request to remove any saved "recent" email address from the evernote share functionality. It's really annoying especially for me, since I share a lot of my personal notes with my brother, who just happens to share the same first name as my ex-boyfriend. It makes it very risky for me to share a personal note when both their email addresses popup as "recent email addresses".

If I accidentally share a note with my ex, I absolutely do not trust him to do the responsible thing and ignore it. If anything, he'll most definitely delete my note as an act of sabotage. 

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I'm having the same problem where some really old email recipients (who are no longer in my contacts) appear in the recent recipients listing on the iPhone version of Evernote when sharing links etc.

Would be good to have a clear button.

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Count me in on this deletion issue. Sometimes fingers fly and get a typo. It would be nice to delete erroneous emails so one doesn't inadvertently choose it to send a share invite. I don't understand the foot dragging on fixing this. It's very annoying.

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Hi All,

You may have noticed that all threads requesting ability to delete recent email recipients for Evernote for iOS have been merged into this thread.

This was done in order to better enable us to quantify and qualify user requests, and amplify their voice.

While this does not mean this is a feature that will be coming, we certainly want to relay user feedback/sentiment to our various teams.

Moving forward, please put all commentary and votes for the ability to delete recent email recipients for Evernote for iOS.

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Guest +1 on this idea

I too would like a way to delete old email addresses in the share feature. I have people I don't want to accidentally select.

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Evernote, please hurry up and fix this. This is not a nice to have feature, it is a bug that is extremely annoying on a daily basis! My list has saved a 'recent' email from a person I shared ONE note with over two years ago yet not another email that I share notes with every business day. Each time I share a note with my Team I have to go into my contacts and search for this email address. How many years will you wait?? We're at 4.5 years so far... 

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On 1/17/2015 at 2:34 PM, donhoos66 said:

When I send a note via email, the same (old) list of "recent" recipients pops up. It never updates with more recently used addresses and I can't figure out how to delete the old ones. This occurs when I'm using my iPad. Thoughts?

Please help with this request! As shown, members have been asking for this to be resolved since January, 2015. The amount of subscribers alerting of this issue and what is being asked is an attention matter. This problem exist in the pc desktop application. It is extremely annoying to fish through old emails that are no longer needed for sharing notes, and even some no longer have those emails addresses. Overall, I like many of Evernote enhancements; but, this is one out of several issues that would prevent me from referring this product to others as I have done. Please fix! Thanks in advance!

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31 minutes ago, J.Note said:

as I am using EN as a personal notebook , not a teams notebook , I expect this to work

  1. ?? You're posting in a 2-year old thread about iOS issues (although it was one that affected other products,  but not - I would have thought - Teams,  which shares information in different ways...)
  2. You can share information from one account to the other without the hassle of exporting and importing
  3. Which means you could use a free account since it won't be incurring upload limits from the imports

If you'd like to discuss possible alternatives,  please confirm your device / OS / EN version,  and exactly why you're reinventing the wheel here?

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Bumping this thread. I'm not sure why this has been an ongoing issue for almost a decade. This is more critical than ever since we can now assign tasks. I shouldn't have to sift through a ton of former coworker email addresses to assign a task to a current employee. Please create a way to purge old contacts, or at least tell us where Evernote is pulling the addresses from so we can clear them using some other method.

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Hi.  We're mainly other users here,  not Evernote.  A polite new request referring to an earlier thread would have gotten you a more welcoming response than resurrecting something that is so essential it didn't get any attention from another user for 2 years.  It's also against Forum policy to 'bump' old posts,  pretty much for that reason.

There are probably a million other priorities clamouring for Evernote's attention right now - if you think this one needs urgent attention you're welcome to make your case to feeback@evernote.com (without discussion) or - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (please be patient for a response)

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