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Evernote - text formating options for clipped articles


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I wanted to utilize Evernote as "Read it later" program something like pocket or readability. Web clipper has the ability to grab articles in simplified form. However, when I open them on mobile device they do not look as nice as in Pocket. I was wondering if there are any tips or tricks to be applied here. I tried to push with IFTTT articles from pocket (once formatted) to evernote, but this seems to only push links and and the content. Any other suggestions?



I want to limit the number of applications I use in my system to minimum and this is why I do not want to use pocket and evernote in parallel.


Best regards,


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  • Level 5*

Clearly or the Chrome web clipper (with the 'simplified article' option) are your only choices I think.  Haven't played with Clearly settings for a while but I do recall you can mess with screen colour and layout until it looks the way you want.


I use Pocket directly to read stuff that I probably won't want to make notes of,  and I'll only read what I have to of stuff that goes into notes,  because I know that I have it stored to read in case of need.  I tend to scan articles that look interesting and store anything that isn't immediately relevant.

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The IFTTT service only allows "excerpts" to be sent to Evernote, not the full text. This is controlled by IFTTT and it out of our control.


To clip articles for later reading there are two paths that I use.


On desktop my preferred UX is:

Use the Clearly extension to set the style of the article, then clip to Evernote.

(The Evernote Web Clipper "Simplified Article" setting will allow you to do something similar)


On Mobile my preferred UX is:

Clip to Pocket

Open Pocket and push to Evernote


When you manually push the article from Pocket to Evernote you will get the full text of the article.

Many content sources support "Clip to Pocket", so this method allows you to collect a lot of articles, then push to Evernote. Or you can read them directly in Pocket if you do not intend to keep them for later use in Evernote.


I cannot say if this method will make the articles look better on your particular device, since all mobile devices are different, but the articles are certainly easy to read on my mobile when I use this method.


My opinion is worth what it cost ya ;-)

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Hi, thanks for anwser. I tried all the suggested methods and it seems that Evernote Android app is the culprit here. Regardless if I use:1.  web clipper in simpliied article format 2. use clearly and then clip with web clipper or 3. send to pocket and push to Evernote - eventually I end up in something that looks more or less the same in Evernote Android app. Android app does not have options to format the text for better reading. You cannot justify the text, it is not possible to adjust the size of the font, background nor the frame around the text (so that there is some space between edge of the display and the text). 


I think that "readin mode" is something to consider for mobile devices. In the end why use two programs - pocket and evernote if everything could be integrated into one thing. In the end web clipper and clearly are already perfectly capable of doing the job on PC so extending this functionality for mobile device seems natural.

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