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(Archived) Using Two Accounts at Once


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I need to sign into my account and save my info but from time to time I need to be able to save info to another account. They must be kept separate. Right now I have to sign out of Evernote and sign into the other account or have one on my desktop and the web version of the other account open. Is there a way to have two accounts open at the same time? This is only necessary on my computer. I don't use both while mobile.

I first asked this question 3 or 4 years ago. :mellow:

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Two accounts open at the same time? No

If one of the accounts is premium, you can switch between them easily, from within Evernote, without signing out and back in. There is a slight delay as the software loads the desired database.

i believe it's called "Account Switching", and requires one of the latest betas.



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Both Mac and Windows stable desktop clients now support "Account Switching". This makes it faster to switch accounts, but, still does not allow more than one instance of the client per system.

Situation is essentially unchanged since the last time you asked.

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They are both premium accounts. I don't see account switching.

What version are you using? The current public version is (267864)

Look in the File menu, and also try customising the top toolbar and add the "User" button

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Btw. Evernote logs me out of my additional account after every computer restart – is there a way to remember password?

If you have "stay signed in" checked when you sign in, you shouldn't need to login

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Btw. Evernote logs me out of my additional account after every computer restart – is there a way to remember password?

If you have "stay signed in" checked when you sign in, you shouldn't need to login

Hmm... seems to work now. Probably I had to sign out of my main account and sign in again before EV started to remember my additional accout.

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  • 10 months later...

I am experiencing a similar problem. I have a premium account and a free account and use them both with the Windows client and iOS on iPhone and iPad.

I never logout on any device. However, frequently on the windows client, when clicking on the "user" button on the toolbar, I have to login to my premium account as it is does not appear, i.e. no username or password remembered.

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