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(Archived) Evernote Chrome Extension version


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Hi Folks,

We've published an updated version of the Chrome Extension with:

1) bug fixes for recent reported issues on Chrome 13 & Windows 7/XP

2) Customize your article selection

- Use keyboard arrow keys to expand / shrink or move the article selection

- Enter to clip

If you have installed the beta version of the extension please re-install from the Chrome Web store link below to make sure you get automatic updates going forward:


Let us know any feedback you have. If you experience issue please let us know your browser version and OS.

Thank you - The Evernote Team

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I don't often use chrome, but am at the moment, and went to clip something with this clipper and the new icons on the left to change the selection.

My first reaction to them was to click them, which is not what you do. I actually thought " how do you use them then? "...until I realised that the "Clip Article" icon was the generic return shape - then I was thinking how incredibly stupid I was for a while ;)

I think that it would (at least for me) seem more intuitive if the icons were laid out in the same way that they are on a keyboard (i.e. the 1 on top, 3 below pyramid layout) That and/or tell the user to use the keys...

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Yes, it does. When I press the clipping icon, it brings up the dialogue box on the right and selects the middle panel of the site. On the left, is a transparent set of arrows, and if I clip anything, even the "clip article" on the bottom, it just goes back to the web page and the dialogue box and the arrows goes away. If I use the dialogue box on the right without making any selections with the arrows, it clips fine. The problem for me is that I want to get just the right panel, which is not the one selected by default.

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If I leftclick on the evernote icon (webclipper) and on "Alle Notizen" in the bottom left corner and from there on any of my available clips it will be always opened in a _NEW_ chrome window.

Can you please change the default behavior to open such a link in a new tab instead of a window or at least add an option in the webclipper settings to achieve this?

Annoying as hell ;(



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Yes, it does. When I press the clipping icon, it brings up the dialogue box on the right and selects the middle panel of the site. On the left, is a transparent set of arrows, and if I clip anything, even the "clip article" on the bottom, it just goes back to the web page and the dialogue box and the arrows goes away. If I use the dialogue box on the right without making any selections with the arrows, it clips fine. The problem for me is that I want to get just the right panel, which is not the one selected by default.

Those are just a cue that the article clipping modification functions are available for this clip.

The cue fades out after a short period time.

All the action occurs via the keyboard Up/Down/Left/Right/Enter keys.

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Got old Notification failure state again with the new clipper. As before once the state occurs no clips work. Need exit restart of Chrome to continue. Re-clip of selection which caused failure worked after restart.

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Yes, it does. When I press the clipping icon, it brings up the dialogue box on the right and selects the middle panel of the site. On the left, is a transparent set of arrows, and if I clip anything, even the "clip article" on the bottom, it just goes back to the web page and the dialogue box and the arrows goes away. If I use the dialogue box on the right without making any selections with the arrows, it clips fine. The problem for me is that I want to get just the right panel, which is not the one selected by default.

Using Windows XP Professional and latest version of Chrome. The extension doesn't work for me. It highlights the clip as it did before and brings up the dialog panel with the arrows but whenever I click on any of the arrows the clipping panel disappears and the page reverts to the prior state before I clicked on the Evernote button.

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Using Windows XP Professional and latest version of Chrome. The extension doesn't work for me. It highlights the clip as it did before and brings up the dialog panel with the arrows but whenever I click on any of the arrows the clipping panel disappears and the page reverts to the prior state before I clicked on the Evernote button.

See above. You use the keyboard to modify the article clip. Clicking anywhere outside the clipper dialog box cancels the clip.

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See above. You use the keyboard to modify the article clip. Clicking anywhere outside the clipper dialog box cancels the clip.

Doh! Thanks. Scanned the posts above and didn't see that. It sure looks like you can click on those buttons though. :D

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Just set "Article Selection" to "Disabled".

Could not use it in most cases because I could not see what was happening with long articles.

Back to cancel article clip and clip selection if the clip is obviously wrong.

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