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(Archived) Evernote 3.0.1 and Evernote 4.1



Your new Evernote 4.1.0 app for iPhone has tons of bugs in it. Here's just one example: Type up a long note in Evernote 3.0.1 for Mac, and separate each paragraph with 2 carriage returns (to put visual spaces between the paragraphs). Then, sync that note to your iPhone. Try to edit that note on your iPhone, and Evernote COMPLETELY REMOVES ALL THE CARRIAGE RETURNS THAT YOU SPENT TIME TYPING ON YOUR MAC. So Evernote for iPhone will COMPLETELY DESTROY THE ENTIRE NOTE THAT YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY TYPED ON YOUR MAC. This app is a complete disaster.

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Crazy. I have always hoped that the Evernote developers would someday pay attention to important details, but after 3 years of waiting for them to pay attention to important details, I can see that I've bet my money on the wrong horse. The Evernote team is never going to change their sloppy ways.

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Crazy. I have always hoped that the Evernote developers would someday pay attention to important details, but after 3 years of waiting for them to pay attention to important details, I can see that I've bet my money on the wrong horse. The Evernote team is never going to change their sloppy ways.

I agree. I was thrilled with v4 came out on the iPhone thinking that finally, they'd hired competent expert iOs developers/designers. And it really is lightyears ahead of the former version. But the catch is that the team never polishes. If Panic software developed the OS-X client, it would be perhaps simpler but well thought-out and perfect. I suspect the company is too spread out platform-wise and will never attract or hire top talent for ios/osx or care enough to do so like a dedicated mac developer. Furthermore the rapid growth seems to prevent careful QA and thoughtful design.

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I love Evernote, but I'm tired of the crashes too, this app kicks me back to the home screen both on the iPhone & iPad more than any other app. So many time I just wanted to get to a note quick and crash, don't touch it when it's downloading headers, I even asked them to turn off syncing and found there was a sync with WiFi only, still still program is so buggy.

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Crazy. I have always hoped that the Evernote developers would someday pay attention to important details, but after 3 years of waiting for them to pay attention to important details, I can see that I've bet my money on the wrong horse. The Evernote team is never going to change their sloppy ways.

I agree. I was thrilled with v4 came out on the iPhone thinking that finally, they'd hired competent expert iOs developers/designers. And it really is lightyears ahead of the former version. But the catch is that the team never polishes. If Panic software developed the OS-X client, it would be perhaps simpler but well thought-out and perfect. I suspect the company is too spread out platform-wise and will never attract or hire top talent for ios/osx or care enough to do so like a dedicated mac developer. Furthermore the rapid growth seems to prevent careful QA and thoughtful design.

I do love Evernote, but I think there is also some truth to this.

If y'all paid some 'aplle-like' attention to detail, you'd be bigger, better, more popular. You wouldn't need to spam Facebook bigging yourself up so much (or at all) - you shopuld get the products working to the best you can - then everyone would do your marketing for you

"The product is the marketing" (seth godin)

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Totally agree 100%!

Case in point: Nobody from the Evernote team is even reading this thread!

Sooner or later, someone will come out with a cloud-based note program that actually works, and everybody will flee from Evernote.

In the meantime, the best we can do is give 1-star ratings to Evernote on the App Store.

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  • Level 5*

Evernote people read pretty much every post on here, just because they don't comment on every thread doesn't mean they haven't seen it.

They are also entitled to a weekend.

What I can never understand is why people who are so unhappy with a product don't take a little initiative and find themselves an alternative.

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Evernote people read pretty much every post on here, just because they don't comment on every thread doesn't mean they haven't seen it.

They are also entitled to a weekend.

What I can never understand is why people who are so unhappy with a product don't take a little initiative and find themselves an alternative.

I wouldn't be so quick to defend the Evernote team when they certainly won't come rushing to help you in your time of need.

The initial post was posted LONG BEFORE the weekend (48 hours before the weekend) -- and my "premium customer" emails to tech support have gone unanswered for almost a week as well.

Plus, I've been searching for a year for an alternative product and haven't found one. Just because Evernote is the best of what's out there doesn't mean that Evernote is a great product. It's just means that it's the best out of a long list of crappy products.

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  • Level 5*

I don't need anyone to come rushing to help me. I'm a grown up, unlikely to whine on an internet forum like a baby and sensible enough to pick the right tool for me to do a job.

There is no guarantee that they will respond to your initial post, they read them but they don't respond to every one. This is a user forum after all.

If you have tickets that you opened last week that you didn't receive a response to within 24 hours, please post the ticket numbers and I will try and find out what the situation with them is tomorrow.

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Metrodon...you seem to always be very pro-Evernote, even when the evidence is overwhelming that they don't seem to address REAL problems. I think your latest rant shows an immaturity. Just because serious users vent their frustrations in the forum, doesn't mean you need to be insulting.

The fact is, and this IS a fact, there is a trail of conversations and threads on here that prove that the development staff has known about Lion issues for nearly 9 months. They "conveniently" have chosen to ignore them, using the cover that they "refuse to address issues with beta software". That approach shows a lack of developer savvy. You evolve your product WITH the beta, not after. Then as things evolved further you don't have an application that totally fails an crashes when the "beta" becomes a final release, which is exactly what Evernote did. Now they have two releases that are active, neither of which works with Lion.

For those that are having issues with Evernote, I would suggest that you take a critical look at Notebook v3, by Circus Ponies. For my needs, and perhaps many others, it's far superior to Evernote especially with its real-time indexing of information. I'm running it through the paces now, and it performs flawlessly under Lion and Windows both.

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NoteBook does look like a nice Mac version of OneNote, but I had a little trouble figuring out how to sync the Mac and iPad versions, and I note that the idea of keeping information on a web store is cited as a disadvantage in its marketing. Some of us who've been using Evernote for years and have tried many other wannabes think the web service is a feature, not a bug.

But I think it would be perfect for you, no question.

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