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2 questions about Evernote

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1) In what file/s does Evernote store database on a desktop PC?

2) What happens if I upgrade to Premium version, but do not renew my subscription after 1 year?

Will Evernote stop working or will it still work with data on desktop, but web database will not be accessible?



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  • Level 5*

On the Windows client, you can find out where Evernote's data files are by clicking on Tools / Options; the General tab will lead you there.

If you cancel a Premium subscription, you will still be able to access all of your notes, either via local or web client. It's your stuff.

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On the Windows client, you can find out where Evernote's data files are by clicking on Tools / Options; the General tab will lead you there.

Thanks. These are the files I need to backup

If you cancel a Premium subscription, you will still be able to access all of your notes, either via local or web client. It's your stuff.

This is very reassuring. I guess the Premium file loading will not be available if subscription to Premium account is not renewed.

I like Evernote more & more as I learn it capabilities. However, I don't need the online storage and I intend to use it mainly as an offline browser. BTW, I come from Webzip & Surfulater. If upgrade to Premium, it is for it's additional functionality.

Thanks again for the reply


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I guess the Premium file loading will not be available if subscription to Premium account is not renewed.

Yes, that's how that works. When you elect to cancel/not renew, your account stays premium until the end of the cycle you paid for. Once the account reverts to free, you revert to the free account features. However, anything you previously uploaded will remain in your account.

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  • 3 years later...

It's slightly another topic although related… My main concern with Evernote (or other cloud based services), is that I don't feel in control of my own content. 


This may be the big white elephant in the room but: what if Evernote goes bust? 

Is my data safe? Is my content safe? How can I access my content? Am I able to download all the intelligence I've gathered? 

Also I have a premium account with my employer - when I collect notes on that premium account and, god forbid, I one day leave that company, will I still be able to access my notes? Or do those notes then belong to the company? I mean I understand that I sign a NDA agreement, but that's something else to someone just taking all notes away from you? 


Quite puzzled really that these questions aren't covered… 


Thoughts anyone? 

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It's slightly another topic although related… My main concern with Evernote (or other cloud based services), is that I don't feel in control of my own content. 


This may be the big white elephant in the room but: what if Evernote goes bust? 

Is my data safe? Is my content safe? How can I access my content? Am I able to download all the intelligence I've gathered? 

Also I have a premium account with my employer - when I collect notes on that premium account and, god forbid, I one day leave that company, will I still be able to access my notes? Or do those notes then belong to the company? I mean I understand that I sign a NDA agreement, but that's something else to someone just taking all notes away from you? 


Quite puzzled really that these questions aren't covered… 


Thoughts anyone? 


You already opened another thread about this so no need to insert the same question into another thread. See my answer in your own thread.

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