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Hi there,

I bumped my Evernote down to the free plan, then asked for a refund that I don't need 2024-2025 personal annual plan anymore. But the plan had already been renewed even though I hadn't gotten any notices. I submitted a request at the link https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=254678. after i submit, i can see anything in the link https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests, i don't know whether i submit successfully...


the paid invoice number is INV-345202





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

Hi.  Mostly other users here.  If you didn't get an autoresponse to your report,  it probably failed for some reason.  Check your spam folder and try again if necessary...  always make sure you reply to any messages you receive.

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  • Level 5

Briefly after sending a ticket you receive a canned answer mail to the mail address you registered with EN.

No return mail, no ticket received.

Read the email and provide all information requested in that mail, by answering to that initial mail.

No answer from you, and the ticket will be closed.

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21 小時前, gazumped說:

Have you contacted your bank or card company to ask them to reverse the payment?

no, normally this kind of issue i shall contract the service provider, but EN official do not response to me...so I come here for help..

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Did you pick subscription and billing issues when you created the support ticket? You also need to reply to the initial email you get back.

You can see your support tickets using the link above.

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35 分鐘前, Jon/t說:

Did you pick subscription and billing issues when you created the support ticket? You also need to reply to the initial email you get back.

You can see your support tickets using the link above.

yes, but after submission, it promotes successfully sent,  but still I could not see any items under "my request"

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  • Level 5

Did you receive a return answer by email (canned one) ? If not, there is a communication problem.

Check your Spam folder, make sure the email address in your account information is still an active mail account with you.

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21 分鐘前, PinkElephant說:

Did you receive a return answer by email (canned one) ? If not, there is a communication problem.

Check your Spam folder, make sure the email address in your account information is still an active mail account with you.

I don't receive email after submission, but i could receive the mail (cancel subscription and bill) from EN.


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在 2024/9/2 在 PM4點50分, gazumped說:

Have you contacted your bank or card company to ask them to reverse the payment?

I contract my bank, but they still have to contract EN, but I wonder EN has run away...

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