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Won't login to Evernote or retrieve notebooks

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Sorry if this has been mentioned before, I did a search but could't find this discussed.

I use Scannable almost on a daily basis, using my iPhone and saving my scans directly to Evernote. However every 2-3 days, Scannable logs out of my Evernote account. When it prompts me to sign it, I get a screen that says "Account Detected! It seems you are logged in this browser with the following account: [my Evernote email]", and I push the option to login. However, I continue getting errors that I need to log in, or that Scannable is unable to retrieve my list of notebooks and prompts me to log in again.

I have consistently noticed that this error occurs when my cellular network temporarily goes down to two or fewer bars, and the problem disappears when my network goes up to full bars. However, on my phone, i have set both Scannable and Evernote to only use wifi data, not cellular, so I don't see why this would impact my ability to log in.

I have checked that Scannable, Evernote, and the OSs on both my phone and computer are all up to date.

Thank you for any insight!

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Scannable has been launched in a completely revised version, 3.0.

It seems it's more a beta than anything already usable.

This said (which means I am out of ideas myself), I think you should contact support about it.

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I have the same issue. I pay over $100 a year for Evernote, and I can't get free scanning on Scannable anymore. I'll try customer support, but the last time I tried, it was a very painful process. I'm also going to see what else is out there.

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When I open Scannable, it asks for my EN account. When I tap on login, it detects the account data on my iPhone, and connects by itself after I confirmed to use that account. If the EN app is open when I open Scannable, it connects directly.

There is much that can be said about Scannable. But at least this they go sorted out, sort of.

Scannable Beta 3.1.0 (I got it although I never volunteered for a beta program. Probably they call it this because they know they are not yet done with it).

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Sounds good! But it's not my experience at all even with my EN app open.

I'm using iOS for all of this. There's this infinite loop. I scan on Scannable. I save the scan. I click “Share.” I see an ad for Scannable Pro. I click “Sign in with Evernote and continue for free.” I see "Account detected!" with my Evernote Premium account name there. I click “Continue with this account.” I click “Save” again (it's my only option). I click “Share.” And the steps above starting with “I click ‘Share’” happen over and over. I can't share my Scans anymore, even with a paid account. This has been happening for a month.

I couldn't just contact them about it by email or otherwise. I had to fill in a form calling it a bug, and their response form email didn't say they'd ever reply to me. They'll put my bug report in a queue with other bug reports to address, however.

So I'm effectively at a dead end. I'm trying to decide between OneNote and Obsidian. I've read that the former allows transfer of all Evernote notes.

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Is your EN app open on the iPhone when you try to access it ?

You then need to log in once, and from then on it will connect if the EN app is already open. At least it worked like this for me.

And actually: I have Scannable installed just for the purpose of helping out fellow users. Personally I don't use it at all - it is way to inferior to my "go to scanner app" that I would ever think about using it productively. Maybe BS will improve it, based on their experience with picture / video editing. But what I get today is by no way up to competition.

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Right, the EN app is open and I'm signed into my premium EN account, but I'm still unable to use Scannable without paying for it.

What is your go-to scanner app? I'd like to try it.


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When I opened Scannable, I got a login for my EN account. This was one option, the other was to pay for the Scanner app alone.

Screen on opening the app (1 - The tile for EN account owners, other tiles are for standalone with purchase; 2 - text "You can save unlimited Scans right into your EN account", 3 - Sign in or register free of charge)


After tapping on (3) and some intermediary dialogues, it took me here and offered to connect to my existing account. To make this happen, the app needed to be open and logged into the account on the same iPhone: 4 - We found an account; 5 - account name; 6 - Continue with this account; 7 - Use another Account.


Once connected, it reconnects automatically.

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My usual scanner app is ScannerPro by readdle. It is paid, but it offers a lot more: Build in OCR, interface to cloud services and programmable workflows. I have set up 8 workflows that save directly into different EN notebooks, and automatically add some standard tags to the note created. This saves me a lot of time.

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

When I opened Scannable, I got a login for my EN account. This was one option, the other was to pay for the Scanner app alone.

Screen on opening the app (1 - The tile for EN account owners, other tiles are for standalone with purchase; 2 - text "You can save unlimited Scans right into your EN account", 3 - Sign in or register free of charge)


After tapping on (3) and some intermediary dialogues, it took me here and offered to connect to my existing account. To make this happen, the app needed to be open and logged into the account on the same iPhone: 4 - We found an account; 5 - account name; 6 - Continue with this account; 7 - Use another Account.


Once connected, it reconnects automatically.

Thanks you for the excellent write up. For me, my problem was once clicking the "Continue with this account", I am shown again the "Save" button, which leads to the three options: Evernote, Camera Roll, and Share. Clicking the "Evernote" option leads to a prompt to log in to my Evernote account again, and the infinite loop continues. 

I hadn't realized this was still considered in beta. It has served my (admittedly very simply) needs since I started using in 2018... however with a recent need to do more scanning I am now looking for more stable options. Your ScannerPro option looks quite good.

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Ditto to everything KK987654 says: thank you for your excellent, step-by-step write-up. It doesn't happen for me like that; my experience is just as KK987654 describes theirs.

I didn't know that Google Drive and iOS Notes had built-in scanning capabilities. Google Drive's looks a bit more robust. ScannerPro sounds even better.

Thank you again, PinkElephant.

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  • Level 5*
13 hours ago, schlumpf76 said:

same issue here. did anyone have success via support or solve it himself yet?  

Please read the comments above yours for suggestions...

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I'm having the exact same issues as PeterStephens. I even tried deleting the scannable app and downloading it again from the Apple App Store. It's showing version 3.1. The only option I see for a fix is tons of bad reviews in the App Store. I just piled on.

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To be fair, most of the reviews are embarrassing themselves about the fact it’s not free any more.

Which is first nothing anybody should take for granted, and second only shows larger deficiencies by the review authors - there are other Free scanning apps, and the mobile OS have their own build in scanning capabilities. Nobody needs Scannable, and with the restriction of the number of notes on Free it’s only useful for subscribers anyhow.

For EN subscribers nothing changes, because the Scannable subscription is integrated into the EN subscription.

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Hi Team

I to have the problem where Scannable is disconnected from Evernote and will not connect as of today on iPhone 14 Pro and iPad! It worked yesterday, 07/23/24! I have spent seven hours doing all of the EN-suggested steps but have yet to be successful. I also deleted and reinstalled both EN and Scannable apps. EN logs in ok and I can see all of my notes etc. EN also mentions trying an application password in the help files, but I cannot find it in the EN settings.

The error screen does not indicate a credentials problem, just something went wrong!! 
The access history page showed connections yesterday, but not anytime today!

The problem still exists on an iPhone 14 Pro. All apps are at the latest version as of July 24th, 2024.

iOS version 17.5.1
Scannable version Beta 3.1.0 (2573) - Just downloaded.
Evernote App version 10.98.0 (1226698) - Just downloaded
Browsers, Safari, Edge, Chrome. All the latest versions. 
Deleted and reinstalled Scannable and Evernote
Removed two factor authentication.
Unable to locate Application Password creation secion logining in on a browser!
I have a ticket in with Support.



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This morning, after the latest update the scannable became useless. It required me to log in to Evernote, it did recognize my account, showing the email, but after clicking use this account it shows Uh Ops Something went wrong. I thought that it was fixed. The QA Scannable is getting worse day by day. Very frustrated. Thanks to Scanner Pro, it saved my day!


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No team here. I can confirm that the login doesn’t work any more (which took me a minute to try).

Since I think that Scannable is by far inferior to other scanning apps and options, for me this is of academic interest at most.

Contact support.

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I know there is no team here. I just shared my frustration and feel better; some people have the same issues. So it's not my iPhone Pro Max issue. I have stopped contacting support as they would never solve the problem right away/ I just had to wait till the next update. And sometimes it would take months.

I am using Scannable as it was convenient to scan it and send it to my chosen notebook. in preference settings. Now it does not even save the location anymore, I always have to choose it manually.

I have hundreds of iPhone Apps, and I have never encountered any issues with any of them except Evernote, But I love Evernote and learning how to live with it.

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PinkElephant, thank you again for pointing out the built-in scan programs in Google Drive and iOS Notes. Now that I know that it's something done in a lot of these utilities, I looked for and found another one on iOS's Files "app." That's the best scanning app for me because I'm sold out to the Apple ecosystem. - Peter

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I'm also unable to save a scan despite being a paying customer.

Scannable now refuses to log in at all, so I have no way to save an important scan, and gives me the same generic "Uh ops. Something went wrong" error. The log file shows "failed to retrieve authentication token."

So NOTHING works to save a scan. Totally dead. I've restarted the app numerous times. I'm logged in to Evernote and I had to log in to this support site, so I know the username/password works.

Scannable has absolutely gone to ***** since the version 3 release. They haven't responded to my previous support requests - not a single one of them. It still says “free option” when I save a scan, even though I'm paying. It still signs me out constantly. It still doesn't work offline AT ALL. And more.

Every single recent review on the Apple app store is a 1 or 2 star review, just trashing it. Yes, some are unhappy that they killed the free features. But just as many find it unusable and unsupported.

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Now is something new, I am unable to web login using Firefox, or Safari, on Mac. Another disaster. Maybe that's why Scannable can not access Evernote.



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  • Level 5*
8 hours ago, bmundaySoMD said:

I'm also unable to save a scan despite being a paying customer.

There are many free apps out there to save scans.  plus the Evernote app allows you to image documents directly.

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Just to lay my scanning experience out a bit:

iOS Files app: You scan, you save, then you use the Share function to send it to EN. When you use a good file name, the note has a good name as well, and you can choose the notebook and tag it in creating the note. Pretty good !

Microsoft Lens: Free, some nice functions for example for Whiteboards and Flipcharts. Solid choice.

Scanner Pro (by readdle): Paid app with strong capabilities, for example with a build in OCR. User defined workflows allow to hit one button, which sends the scan to a specific notebook with a set of tags applied. Efficiency booster !

Scannable: …
even if it worked, a far cry away from the pack. Not recommended.

If I need to scan a massive amount of paper, I use my venerable ix500 with the ScanSnap Home app on my Mac.

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11 hours ago, gazumped said:

There are many free apps out there to save scans.  plus the Evernote app allows you to image documents directly.

I've been using Scannable for many years now. I've been saving multiple images per day, most days. Anyone who says Evernote is comparable clearly doesn't use it much.

The Evernote scanning feature is, and always has been, vastly inferior to the way Scannable USED to work. Scannable is MUCH better at aligning and cropping, isn't stupid twitchy at capturing a second fuzzy view of the same document before you can click the "OK" button, optionally saves all scans as PDF even if they're one page (which meant text recognition). Evernote saves each scanned page as a SEPARATE FREAKING PNG file, not one multi-page text-recognized PDF - making it basically useless as a document scanner for things like tax and recordkeeping paper reduction. MULTIPLE extra steps are required to rename the document when you scan it to a note in Evernote; it takes only one click in Scannable. In Evernote when you're scanning multiple pages if it mis-scans something it's harder to remove that one page (by swiping up in Scannable, instead of exiting the scan mode to the page mode, then back to scanning). There's more, but I think I've made the point: Evernote SUCKS for scanning.

In short, Scannable used to be a perfect tool for scanning documents quickly, to which Evernote couldn't compare. I don't want any new features; I just want the old Scannable to keep working the great way it used to work for many years.

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Used to be says it all.

Either hope they bring Scannable to new heights - actually they seem to be eager to do so, because the price they ask is probably quite the top notch among scanner apps. Or stop trying to find your way ahead by constantly focussing the rearview mirror.

Enough options have been already posted that are both better than the build in EN scanner AND the old Scannable app (which was a laugh, 2010 technology, never taken further).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

I deleted a couple of posts here which just agreed with previous comments,  or said "thanks". 

Cheerleader posts aren't required - please ask questions,  give help or just rant like the rest of us...

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11 hours ago, gazumped said:

Cheerleader posts aren't required - please ask questions,  give help or just rant like the rest of us...

Or use the emoji in the bottom right.  (for any newcomers who have not discovered them.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

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