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I have been a loyal subscriber since 2011.


I am on Mac OS 11.7.6 I did a total clean install with app cleaner. Downloaded the latest Mac version from the Evernote website. Have left my computer on over 24+ hours with Evernote active with an internet connection. 


STILL, it is impossibly slow for Evernote to load a note. I just see the swirling green circle. If I'm lucky, it will load the note after 5-10 minutes. In this state, the app is completely impossible for me to use.


RANT: I was so happy with the Evernote legacy app. Everything was fast and I could search and move between notes with fluency and speed. I begrudgingly updated to the "new version" and immediately felt like I was moving through sticky molasses. There was lag on everything from search to loading notes. Things "never got better."


Now with the "latest version" it is totally impossible to use. Just a permanent swirling green circle. 


I have all my stuff on Evernote, it sucks. I can't access any of my notes. I wish legacy was still supported because it worked perfectly for me.



Suffering Longtime User






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I checked Activity Monitor: -- When I click on a new to open, CPU usage SKYROCKETS! 


Evernote Helper (Renderer) is using 81%

Evernote Helper (Renderer) is using 45%

Evernote Helper GPU is using 33%


Just to  "load a Note"


Which is completely ridiculous.


In the current state, Evernote is completely broken, which is sad.



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Where is your problem ? Do you think a CPU is there to be left unused ? Mac activity monitor shows the % of ONE CPU core - you should have several of them. It goes up because it loads a note and renders it. I checked, its for a few seconds. After that it drops off again, to an idle status of maybe a few percent.

That's nothing out of the usual. It is in the same range when you open a website in a browser, especially if this browser is Chrome or a Chromium based app.

At the bottom of the activity monitor page you have a total view of CPU usage, for all cores. If you are not running a rare app that uses multicore processes to render a video or compile code, you should see there is a lot of spare computing power. And if you use such apps, you should have a machine that is able to process it.

Since you are running an outdated version of MacOS, you are probably on an old (Intel) Mac. Even these computers known for their bad thermals shouldn't break much of a sweat to open a note. 

What you could check in the activity monitor is if there is network traffic to the EN app when you are not actively using it. If this is the case, it id likely that your download has not yet completed. In this case every note you open will be downloaded from the server, creating an additional waiting period. 24hrs may sound much, but I had downloads that took 4 days. If it is still downloading, wait until it's done, and try again.

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Thank you, Pink. I see you are the forum user who is the “help support”, so thank you for being the person who replied. I hope Evernote pays you something. If not, they should.

Yes, I do see networking traffic in Activity Monitor — the “Evernote Helper” process downloading hundreds of MB of data. To be fair to your suggestion, I will report back in a week or so when all the downloading should be complete.

I will note 3 Performance Issues to you:

(1) You wrote:

“Mac activity monitor shows the % of ONE CPU core - you should have several of them. It goes up because it loads a note and renders it. I checked, its for a few seconds. After that it drops off again, to an idle status of maybe a few percent.”
That is not my experience. The Evernote Helper (Renderer) stays using 80-90% CPU for minutes, not seconds.

(2) Clicking back and forth between 2 notes that I have been using (and thus have already downloaded) is VERY SLOW and SLUGGISH. We’re talking 30-45 second lag time switching between notes. This experience is new, and is killing my productivity.

(3) DELETING an Empty note that I was using takes MINUTES. I see the green circle swirl and swirl and swirl. Why is it now so painfully slow for Evernote to delete a note?

None of these performance issues existed under Legacy, which I miss and worked perfectly for me.

Thank you for replying. I will update this thread in a week or so, letting you or anyone know if performance has improved.

If you have other ideas how I can improve performance, let me know.


@gaberoyall: Im not sure what your suggestion is. Im using the app, not the website.







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PS: CREATING a Notebook takes 2 MINUTES and 40 SECONDS. 

It makes using Evernote a very painful and unenjoyable experience.

Obviously, it wasn’t like this before...


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Creating a notebook took me 6 seconds, including entering a 4 digit notebook name. OK, I cheated, I used the shift-cmd-N keyboard shortcut, which is a little faster than mousing around.

Observations: Don't know what Mac you are on, but the MacOS version 11.7.6 lets me assume it is one of the later Intel machines.

But a lot speaks for a corrupted local database, that should be replaced. Use AppCleaner to purge it all.

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@Pink —  The STARTING POINT of this thread is me having done a data purge with AppCleaner and starting fresh.



“I am on Mac OS 11.7.6 I did a total clean install with app cleaner. Downloaded the latest Mac version from the Evernote website.”


I STILL experience ENORMOUS Productivty Lags. For example: Pasting data into a new note will take MINUTES (Swirling Green Dot), if Im lucky.


It is NOT a “corrupted local database” ( which seems to be the default answer for everything…. ) as I am STARTING from a completely fresh install after using App Cleaner.


NONE of these productivity lags ever existed before. It should not take MINUTES to delete a note, create a note, etc.


And I never had a “corrupted local database”, despite using the app everyday for 12 years.








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What sort of Mac is this ?

On what sort of drive does it run ?

Database corruption is happening more frequently now, since new features like Task, Calendars, Files and the like require changes to the database structure.

But with „the good old legacy clients“ databases got corrupted as well. There were hidden options to search and correct database errors. Every time I ran them, at least a handful were detected and corrected.

The new clients don’t have these tools. That’s why a full uninstall / reinstall often helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am on a MacBook Air Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 500 GB SSD.


Pink, I appreciate you, but I’m sorry, the answer is not always “database corruption” .  …. I already did a AppCleanser Complete Reinstall and it did NOTHING to improve things. It’s a software issue.


I also waited over 2 weeks for a “database sync.”


It’s been over 2 weeks now. NOTHING has improved. I just see swirling green circle for almost any task — search, open note, create note, etc. It has made Evernote completely unusable on my computer. 


I submitted a support ticker 2 weeks ago and have no response. 


Do I have any options to being able to run Evernote on this computer or is it impossible now with Broken Spoons ?? Ive been a member for over 14 years. It sucks.




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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, 405Traffic said:

Pink, I appreciate you, but I’m sorry, the answer is not always “database corruption”

I’m not PE but that is usually the solution and what you describe still sounds like database corruption.  Does it run ok on the web?  If yes then it still may be a database issue on your Mac.  If you have no other options, I would give Appcleaner another go and download a fresh version of Evernote from their website.

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@405Traffic On desktop, the first answer is quite often „database corruption“, because it is unfortunately not rare, and can take several forms to express itself (like lagging, high CPU, slow startup, syncing problems, weird display of notebooks etc.). So why not give it a try ?

The next steps are

- wait for an update

- contact support (good luck …)

- … (pray  if you think it helps)

There are more specific cases, where other advise is possible. But not in this case.


Just a word about your setup: All Intel MacBooks suffer from bad thermals. The Air even more so, it has less room to breathe (take it ad verbatim). The i7 in an Air is running too hot, always.

Next you only have 8GB of RAM. Check in the Activity Monitor - I am sure your Mac is permanently swapping between RAM and SSD. This is quite a show stopper.

If now your SSD is pretty full (I mean, 512GB is something, but still it can fill up rather quick), swapping will be even slower.

My advise: Check your system status. Keep RAM usage within your installed RAM limit, even if it means quitting apps and browser tabs. Keep at least 10% (better 20%) of your SSD available all the time.

When you buy a new Mac with Apple Silicon, you will notice how sluggish your current Mac is handling everything. Get at least 16GB of RAM, no matter which Mac you choose.

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Thank you to s2Sailor and Pink Elephant for replying.
  • Yes, Evernote works fine on my android phone and ipad.
The ONLY App I am now running is EVERNOTE (and Activity Monitor). 
  • MEMORY: Memory Used: 5.33 GB; Cached Files: 1.73 GB; Swap Used: 395.5 MB
  • SSD: I have 360 GB FREE SPACE out of 500 GB
  • THERMALS: My computer is barely warm, NOT Hot. (Yes, I know Mac Air's can get hot, but its not hot now)
I just "upgraded" to the latest version. Everything is STILL Super Laggy (tear your hair out laggy). Additionally, I have a new problem. I am now getting errors trying to move multiple notes between notebooks. I select multiple notes, click to move to another notebook, nothing happens, and then I get an "error fail" message. Is there any way I can move multiple notes on my ipad?
Again, the usual rant -- "Everything was fine with me and Evernote before Bending Spoons got involved and literally bricked my Evernote where I am paying for this product (for over 14 years) that I cant even use now. No response to my support tickets. They just take my money, brick my workflow, and don't give a damn. How can an ethical company do this?"
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What @s2sailor said.  What you are describing are the classic symptoms of a corrupted database.  And moving a lot of notes around is likely to make it worse, IMO, because, as the server and local device continue to chunk away with the already problematic sync, you are now introducing even more load on that struggling sync engine.  

If it were me, I would try another  cycle of uninstall and reinstall.  @gazumped and @PinkElephant both have complete directions about how to do this to maximize your chances of success.  At the end of the day, it's the one thing you can do yourself that >might< fix the problem while you are waiting for help from support.  And, even if you've done it already, the first thing support is likely to ask you to do is a reinstall anyway.


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Ok. I will try ANOTHER uninstall / reinstall (since i guess i have no alternatives…).

Please link me to whatever is considered the canonical “Best Practice” uninstall/reinstall plan, and I will follow the instructions to a T and report back.

I must say I am not very confident this will work, but I dont know what else to do.



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The procedure is pretty straightforward:

Log out, quit the app.

Use the app AppCleaner to remove the EN app. The regular Uninstaller will NOT remove all, so problems often persist.

Restart the Mac.

Download the installer fresh from the EN website. Run it, open, log in.

Now let the client open (can be in the background) to allow a full download of your content. In my case it took days to load !

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Thank you @PinkElephant

So I did that last night. I used appcleanser on everything Evernote related, including the web clipper.

Early results not promising. Notes still don’t load. Still slow.

I noticed that Evernote Helper is not receiving a lot of data like the previous version did in the activity monitor. It should be downloading GBs of data, no? That doesnt seem to be happening on this latest version of EN. Do I need to alter something on EN? I’ve already disabled sleep on my Mac. 



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What @PinkElephant said.  Patience!  And try to avoid massive note reorganization for a while - moving, deleting, etc., - that just complicates the downloading process.  Lots of variables seem to affect the speed with which the local database updates.  Some may be related to your installation and others not -- ISP, server loads, etc.  

If it were me, I would keep the computer on, connected, and allowed to update for at least a day before I reached any conclusions about whether the update helped.



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@PinkElephant @VincentC


Hi Guys,

Thanks For the response. In case you missed it in my original message, I DO NOT see Evernote Helper downloading GB of data this time in activity monitor. I do NOT see a lot of download activity by Evernote in activity monitor, barely anything. My computer is permanently on and I’ve already disabled sleep on my Mac. I checked EN settings, and yes, I have clicked “save a copy of the data locally” This version of EN does not seem to be downloading data like the previous one. Evernote Helper has received 5 MB so far. What do I have to do to make EN download all my stuff locally? I have plenty of space. It’s not doing it automativcally. Thanks

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Did you try to toggle the checkmark off / quit / toggle on again. If it doesn’t work, toggle off / log out / quit / login / toggle on. If this doesn’t work either toggle off / log out / quit / restart Mac / login / toggle on.

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17 hours ago, 405Traffic said:

This version of EN does not seem to be downloading data like the previous one.

On your installation...  If you have tried everything that Pink has suggested just above, and you have tried accessing Evernote from a different location to eliminate possible ISP and connection issues, you may have to wait for support.  



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