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How to Show Holidays in the Calendar?

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I'm using Google Calendar on EN and I really like it. I just haven't figured out how to show the holidays in the EN Calendar.
Does anyone know how?

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Open Google Calendar: Go to Google Calendar in your web browser.

Go to Settings: Click on the gear icon in the top right corner and select "Settings."

Add Holidays:

In the left-hand menu, under "Add calendar," click on "Browse calendars of interest."

Scroll down to the "Holidays" section.

Find "Holidays in United States" (or your preferred country) and check the box next to it.

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16 horas atrás, mackid1993 disse:

Add the ics subscription to Google Calendar.

It's been added and it still doesn't appear in Evernote. The other agendas appear normally, only the holiday subscriptions don't appear.
I've removed and reinstalled Google Calendar from Evernote without success.

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22 horas atrás, gazumped disse:

Hi.  You've presumably connected your Google calendar to Evernote - are the holidays not automatically included?  If you have a Professional account it's possible to add more calendars...  https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500009437482-Google-and-Outlook-Calendar-integration-overview

The problem isn't adding more calendars, what I'm having trouble with is how to replicate a subscription calendar in Google Calendar in Evernote.
Calendars created without a subscription appear normally.
Using a professional signature doesn't seem to be the solution.
Thank you

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Silvio'ss said:

Using a professional signature doesn't seem to be the solution.

I'm not sure I understand.  Evernote allows you to connect one calendar,  which includes all the individual views you have created in that calendar.  If you subscribed to an external ICS calendar which is displayed in your personal calendar as an additional view,  you can see it under 'others' when you choose which views to display...


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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, Silvio'ss said:

what I'm having trouble with is how to replicate a subscription calendar in Google Calendar

I don't understand this either.  The holiday calendar I use within Google is free and selectable.  Maybe you are using a unique holiday calendar?

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This is the path for the ics subscription for US Holidays: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=en.usa%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York

It is in EST... this can really be done through Google Calendar's interface and is not an Evernote issue.

You may also want to ensure that the calendars are enabled for sync on this page: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/syncselect

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It's a problem I've experienced as well. 

I subscribe to my wife's Google calendar. All other ics subscribed google calendars show in "Others" as @gazumped demonstrated, but for whatever reason, this one subscribed calendar won't show. 

Removed and reconnected Google calendar link to EN more than once, but stubbornly remains missing. I've just given up on resolving it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have this same issue, too. Not all of my external ICS calendars, which I can see in Google Calendar, appear in Evernote. I haven't found anything different in the share settings of those subscribed calendars that would exempt them. If anybody figures out what is happening here, let me know! I also would like to see events that I have shared from family members, which are clearly visible in Google Calendar, in my Evernote Calendar as well. 

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