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I use Evernote to keep all of my recipes in France and the US. Recently, another application vendor whom I have relied on and used daily for my music released a newly revised version of their application with most of the key functionality “delayed”.  Now it is worthless to me and I’m searching around for a work around.  That alerted me to wonder whether there is a way to quickly back up all of my recipes that are now stored in Evernote in a manner that I can read and edit them should Evernote ever fail me.  Can you help?

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This is the batch file I run with task scheduler on Windows. Mine is set to run daily, but you can run weekly or any interval you please.

Before running this you have to run evernote-backup init-db then login then save the following in a batch file alongside evernote-backup.exe, change paths for your system.

On Windows at least some AV marks evernote-backup as malware, it is a false positive so create an av exclusion.

evernote-backup sync -d C:\path\to\en_backup.db
evernote-backup export C:\path\to\Notebooks -d C:\path\to\en_backup.db --overwrite
taskkill /f /im evernote-backup.exe


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