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Google Drive backlink to Evernote?

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Pretty sure this must have come up before, but I can't find it "specifically": Is there not an easy way to create a link in a Google Doc, etc., directly back to a note in EN? Or is that the "Share-> Publish to Web" option which sounds a little... ummm... not private!? TIA / apologies if this is a[nother] repeated question... or link to prior posts if appropriate. [Note: I've used the share link before, but it didn't used to be only the 2 options - meaning an email address or that publish to web option.] 

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19 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Alt+Ctrl+X - copy app link - gives you a link direct to the note in the app.

@gazumped TYVM... I think on Mac that's same as Option+Command+X -> not workin'...

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15 minutes ago, Dobby said:

@gazumped TYVM... I think on Mac that's same as Option+Command+X -> not workin'...

Have you tried the 3-dots menu in a note and "copy internal link"?

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When I try to make a link in a Google doc using an EN internal link (evernote:///view..) Google docs tells me it is not a valid url

An alternaive is to add the weblink format and that takes me to the Web version of Evernote. You haven't shared what device you are wanting to do this on so this may or may note be an acceptible work flow.


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The internal link is exactly this - internal.

It only works inside of the EN app.

To link up with other apps, you need to go through the web interface, which will pull the note from the cloud server.

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@gazumped @Mike P Appreciate your time / input. I use MacBook + iPhone & have very rarely used the web version of EN - always use the app on both devices. I think the bottom line is that Google can't use the EN internal link. Only options are that "Publish to Web" gig OR that upper RH "3 dots" dropdown -> "Copy internal link" dropdown -> "Copy Web link" & use the online version of EN. 

There used to be an option under the "Share" button to copy a link. That's gone, but may have constituted "Publish to Web". Not sure, but I don't like what that phrase implies! Maybe it's just unclear...

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1 minute ago, PinkElephant said:

The internal link is exactly this - internal.

It only works inside of the EN app.

To link up with other apps, you need to go through the web interface, which will pull the note from the cloud server.

Yeah - unfortunately I think that's only way... thx @PinkElephant. [See my post @ same time as yours...]. All good. Seems clunky...

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48 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

The internal link is exactly this - internal.

It only works inside of the EN app.

Thankfully this is not true.

An EN internal link in a MS Word document on my PC will happily open the EN app on my PC and go to the note. In fact I can open the run command in windows, paste in the EN internal link and it will take me to the note

Not surprisingly, the problem comes when you want to open an app on your computer via a link in the web (Google docs).

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For internal links to work,  you need to be in a locally hosted environment - the local Google folder,  rather than the web version forinstance. 

All to do with OS and browser reluctance to allow remote commands to start local actions.  I use third party apps to open Evernote notes directly with the internal (evernote:///) links - if the permissions don't align I occasionally get the web app opening,  but more often nothing at all happens. 

I don't think that's something which Evernote can fix transparently for the user - it's just down to using the right links.  If necessary you could embed both an internal and a web link in a third-party document to make sure you can always opening something...


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