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a much more positive view on Evernote

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Just yesterday I wrote:


People complain about constant updates, but compared to years of no improvements (and long-term unfixed bugs!) I'm glad that Evernote is finally back to faster improvements, faster innovations and faster bug-fixes. They rolled out a bunch of new features and this makes me hopeful that these also could be improved further over the next month and years.


And today I got an notifcation in Evernote that Updates are now going to be downloaded in the background and I can choose when to restart the app to switch to the latest version.

One more example that pain-points are being heard and potentially addressed again 👍

(Of course you can't solve all potential improvements and problems in a week, but by now I'm very optimistic that Evernote is going to keep improving a lot over the next 12 months... Something I wasn't at all one or two years ago.)

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3 hours ago, tm87 said:

And today I got an notifcation in Evernote that Updates are now going to be downloaded in the background and I can choose when to restart the app to switch to the latest version

If I’m understanding the comment, this has always been the case.  Evernote will download the new version and you can either click to upgrade now or wait until the next restart.  I think the behavior that others are looking for is they don’t want a new version to load on restart.

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Mhhh... I don't really know how the app behaved so far: I'm using MacUpdater and usually installed new updates before they were offered to me by the Evernote-app itself. Sadly I didn't make a screenshot and the small information-box about the latest version has no details about this, but if I understood it correctly, the app is only going to update once you click something like "update now" in the future and not automatically anymore.

I may or may not have misunderstood it, but there was a short notification about some change in the update behavior. 


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Yes - it has been this way for at least a year or so. It will update when you click the 'update now' or the next time you restart the app -- whichever comes first.

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On 4/29/2024 at 9:33 AM, tm87 said:

rock-solid tagging-system

I am happy if you experience a rock solid tagging system on your devices, which are apparently Apple gadgets. unfortunately, on Android, we do not get this central piece of Evernote function. Yes, there is the same tagging system, but it is anything else than rock solid. So, this is my central point, why I cannot fully agree to your message, not at all: I have all the time cases where I tap a tag and wish to see the list of notes that have this tag, and the list is filled up with notes long deleted, and/or lacking a lot of notes that I have added in recent days and assigned this tag.

Now, imagine the horror this sole bug means:

- you go into a meeting, and the various points you want to talk about are the notes that have a certain tag. Evernote does not show all the notes having the tag and I forget talking about them and cannot meet that person soon again.... Evernote is not only useless but produces a complete catastrophe. I had manifest business losses because of this Evernote bug. 

- I go to a supplier to buy things for my business or to a grocery shop where I buy things for myself. I have a tag with the name of each supplier or grocery shop or category of shops and this dumb Evernote shows me a ton of outdated notes that I have deleted long ago and does not show me the new notes about stuff that I need to buy. I had many cases where I needed to go again to that supplier or shop because crappy Evernote has this devastating bug. 

And guess what, I invested a lot of time to tell Evernote about this bug, showed them videos and screenshots. I only spent time and they did almost nothing. I even offered them that they can install a "debug version" of Evernote on my devices that monitors the development of this issue so they get the total information for their debugging process. At least they responded to this idea, but the response was negative they don't do it. They don't want to profit from it. I was ready to forgo my privacy in order to help Evernote finally debug. When trying another note taking app, I proposed the same idea for a difficult bug and they immediately did it and were very happy about my offer and fixed the bug using the precious information received via their debug version of their app.

in sum:

- this single bug renders Evernote almost useless and outright dangerous for affected Android users who intensively uses tags 

- Bending Spoons care a damp ***** about bugs that cause manifest business losses (But I am happy that at least they responded a very few times before not caring anymore)


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On 4/30/2024 at 6:49 PM, Boot17 said:

Yes - it has been this way for at least a year or so. It will update when you click the 'update now' or the next time you restart the app -- whichever comes first.

Either I haven't gotten the "update now" or it has been well camouflaged, as I always get an unexpected surprise-update upon program startup (win11).

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  • Level 5*
10 hours ago, Lolinda said:

am happy if you experience a rock solid tagging system on your devices, which are apparently Apple gadgets. unfortunately, on Android, we do not get this central piece of Evernote function.

Please do not hijack the thread or double post.

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10 hours ago, Lolinda said:

on Android, we do not get this central piece of Evernote function.

I am using a four-year-old Samsung A70 Android, and tagging works fine on it. 

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7 hours ago, anfang said:

@Kaspar Are you perhaps using the Windows Store version of the app? Windows Store Apps will upgrade by themselves.

No, the regular version. I'll look harder, maybe I'll see the notification in the future.

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14 hours ago, Kaspar said:

No, the regular version. I'll look harder, maybe I'll see the notification in the future.

Nope, didn't see it, just got caught off guard by an update installing. :D

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Hello everyone, I do agree because I also started using Evernote again after being revamped.

I have a question, though: on Android, where the app v.10.86.1 (1221137) works fine and the interface is very intuitive and pleasing to view and use to me, I don't find any way to add an event to the Calendar section as in the desktop app. Same happens on my iPad.

Is the icon "add New Event" missing? Thanks to anyone willing to help.

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