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This years income tax has been a Fn nightmare... SO many things, SO slow,  etc etc.

All other years, Evernote was my friendly assistant!

I keep seeing "Untitled Attachment" like a half hour to an hour after I've seen them in there fine!

IT's NUTS! I swear!!!  Bring back LEGACY!!!

I've lost a day dealing with this Fn thing... still haunting me!!!







Screen Shot 2024-04-27 at 6.16.37 PM.png

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Sorry for your stress!  We're mainly users here,  so no access to fix file names - have you tried just restarting Evernote or powering the PC off ad back on?  If you save the names of your files separately,  or you know what they should be,  you could try renaming an 'unnamed' file to its correct details - maybe duplicate the note it's in first,  just in case something goes badly wrong...

For information - what Evernote and OS version numbers are you using?  I'd suggest you report this to Support,  but they're under a lot of pressure and probably won't be helpful in a useful timescale...  https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new

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2 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  Sorry for your stress!  We're mainly users here,  so no access to fix file names - have you tried just restarting Evernote or powering the PC off ad back on?  If you save the names of your files separately,  or you know what they should be,  you could try renaming an 'unnamed' file to its correct details - maybe duplicate the note it's in first,  just in case something goes badly wrong...

For information - what Evernote and OS version numbers are you using?  I'd suggest you report this to Support,  but they're under a lot of pressure and probably won't be helpful in a useful timescale...  https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new



I truly appreciate you guys!

Ya, it's happening on 3 different macs, an Android, you name it.

Yes, I've restarted EN, etc.

I just can't get over how bad this all is...

I don't want to jump off the boat, but it feels like it's falling apart at the seams!


I'm on:
10.85.4 Mac
10.85.1 Android




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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  Patience and cold towels seem like the only other options for the present - I'd avoid the Android if you can - it does seem to run Evernote particularly badly a lot of the time...  and if you're getting the same thing across three Macs,  maybe quit Evernote on a couple and work on the last one - the less background syncing it has to do between devices and the server,  the better (maybe) it should work...

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7 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Hmmn.  Patience and cold towels seem like the only other options for the present - I'd avoid the Android if you can - it does seem to run Evernote particularly badly a lot of the time...  and if you're getting the same thing across three Macs,  maybe quit Evernote on a couple and work on the last one - the less background syncing it has to do between devices and the server,  the better (maybe) it should work...

Ya, cold towels FOR SURE...
I'll try your suggestions, Thanks...

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  • 3 weeks later...

So after waiting over 2 weeks for my "UNTITLED ATTACHMENT" to re-appear (yes, it WAS there at one point, then QUIETLY DISAPPEARED!!), I finally tried to re-attach it.  I instantly got TWO OF THEM, as the original THEN came back...  OH, DID I MENTION THAT THIS IS MY INCOME TAX STUF !!!???).


WTF... What a stupid bunch of software!


(Hey BS, this is a good time to RESPOND maybe???)


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14 minutes ago, FredJ said:

So after waiting over 2 weeks for my "UNTITLED ATTACHMENT" to re-appear (yes, it WAS there at one point, then QUIETLY DISAPPEARED!!), I finally tried to re-attach it.  I instantly got TWO OF THEM, as the original THEN came back...  OH, DID I MENTION THAT THIS IS MY INCOME TAX STUF !!!???).


WTF... What a stupid bunch of software!


(Hey BS, this is a good time to RESPOND maybe???)



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Over the years, I have never used software as terrible as Evernote V10+. The previous Legacy version always worked just fine. As a long-time paying user, I always found Evernote to be reliable. However, ever since the official decision to discontinue Legacy, the experience has been simply awful. Updating many times a month with constant bugs, I really wonder if your programmers are doing their job properly. Besides looking slightly prettier than the Legacy version, the new one is useless in terms of functionality and consumes much more resources.

I believe that adding attachments like PDFs and Excel files to a note is a very basic function. Now, even such a simple feature is unavailable. As a paying customer, I have to spend a lot of time dealing with issues like "Untitled Attachment" and the problem of attachments exceeding 200MB when I try to delete and re-add them. Good grief, I am a paying user. I need your software to work stably, not to be plagued by bugs that never get fixed. Frequent updates that don’t solve any problems make it seem like you’re using your customers as free testers. I hope you fix these issues promptly or restore the Legacy version. Otherwise, you will surely lose many paying customers, and I will definitely be one of them.

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  • Level 5*
On 5/19/2024 at 5:40 PM, seanlv said:

I hope you fix these issues promptly or restore the Legacy version.

To get issues fixed - contact Support.  We're just other users here...

Legacy is not coming back.

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  • Level 5

@seanlv what are you asking for: Zombie apocalypse ?

Attaching files works for me, and the note size limit applied for all versions.

If you have issues with attachments, check in the web client. If the attachment is not there either, contact support.

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