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Error message during back up for the non tech savvy

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I have Evernote Premium. I have a Mac computer.

I want to back up the files that I have. About 20K.

I have just one notebook. 

1- I have read through the forum messages- don't quite understand how folks are able to do this on a regular basis- every week or so. Seems high level tech to me.

Would like a simple explanation of how to do this.

2- Nevertheless, I am able to get start the back-up process. When backing up the notebook, I get several error messages that stops the back up. And then have to restart the whole backup process and after a few minutes get another of these error messages. How do I correct the errors and how do I complete a back up.

3- With the .enex back up, you would need Evernote to be able to read the notes. Is that right?  And if evernote should not be available how would we read the back-up notes.


Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 1.08.46 PM.png

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I also have only one notebook... Well I have two. One called notes. And one called archive. I use the GIT project evernote-backup to create a full back up once a week. I believe it works for Mac as well..  It is fast, reliable and works every week. Doesn't cost me a lot of time. 

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  • Level 5

Actually it works on more platforms than EN itself, due to the fact it doesn't need an installed client. You can even install it with minimal overhead in a Docker.

Everything is described on the GitHub page. On a Mac I need to install Homebrew first (if it is not yet installed). Through Homebrew then the EN backup project is installed. It is executed through the command line, or automatic with a little script that is triggered in intervals. 

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Can you please detail how "GIT project evernote-backup" works.  I went to this site: https://pages.github.com/. As a non-tech savvy person, found the page overwhelming. 

Can someone lead me to steps on how to download my notes? I tried backing up directly from Evernote to an external drive but got stuck with the error message as noted on the original post.



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  • Evernote Expert
15 hours ago, valmad said:

Nevertheless, I am able to get start the back-up process. When backing up the notebook, I get several error messages that stops the back up. And then have to restart the whole backup process and after a few minutes get another of these error messages. How do I correct the errors and how do I complete a back up.

These errors seem to indicate some more corruption. You would have to fix the damaged notes. The easiest thing is to duplicate each 'broken' note and then delete the original copy. If the note in question is no longer needed then simply delete it.

Also, ENEX files are intended for import into program such as Evernote. A few competing products will open an ENEX file as well as Evernote. You can open the file in a text editor. 

You may prefer to export as HTML if you just want to be able to view your notes.

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Thanks for your time in helping me do this.

Is there a way to know which notes are damaged or broken before starting the download process. Right now, I am downloading the notebook> after a few minutes getting an error message,  (the download process stops) >> I fix the error message note>>then I have to restart the download from the beginning until I get the next error message..

I contacted Evernote several weeks ago- but no reply from them as yet.

I will try today to understand this: 



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  • Level 5

No, there is no database debugger.

You can only purge the existing database, and download it again.

In general it needs time to download a database. If you switched recently from legacy, and only open the client when you actually use it, it may be the initial download has not even completed.

Let the client running all the time, in the background. It will take hours and on larger accounts days until the download has completed.

The GitHub project is a good alternative. Since it fetches all data through the API from the cloud server, it doesn’t depend on the local database.

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  • Evernote Expert
39 minutes ago, valmad said:

Is there a way to know which notes are damaged or broken before starting the download process.


You have to start and then tackle each note as it is reported. So in the example given in your first post you have the note 'GI effects digestion adn absorption' reported so you go ahead and fix it then start again.

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On 4/27/2024 at 7:14 AM, PinkElephant said:

You can only purge the existing database, and download it again.

How do you do this? I was using Legacy, but I have been using the new version for some time now. I also use Evernote all the time. It runs in the background.

"Let the client running all the time, in the background. It will take hours and on larger accounts days until the download has completed."

What is the advantage of this?

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On 4/26/2024 at 2:47 PM, jefffos69 said:

MvdH, How do you create the backup? I do not have that option (right click or three dots).

I don't see the three dots. I click on the notebook that I want to download and then right-click> I see selections for exporting the notebook.

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"You can only purge the existing database, and download it again.

In general it needs time to download a database. If you switched recently from legacy, and only open the client when you actually use it, it may be the initial download has not even completed."

I have been using the new version of Evernote for some time. But it seems that many of my notes are "corrupted."  So, how do I purge the database without losing all my notes? Does that mean removing Evernote from "Applications" and downloading a new version of Evernote? 



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On 4/27/2024 at 4:51 AM, agsteele said:

The place to start is https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup

However, it does require some basic technical competence. The instructions there are simple enough but if they out-face you then think twice before proceeding.

The program download is at https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup/releases/tag/v1.9.3



I went to this website:  https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup/releases/tag/v1.9.3.

I downloaded this:


And then I got this message:



What shall I do next?

Thanks for your help. Appreciate it.


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  • Level 5

You can’t install it directly, as you would install an app.

You need to install Homebrew first. Then you install the GitHub project through Homebrew:


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On 5/6/2024 at 4:45 PM, PinkElephant said:

You can’t install it directly, as you would install an app.

You need to install Homebrew first. Then you install the GitHub project through Homebrew:


I have installed the homebrew and opened Github.exe. Where do I go from here? I would like to back up Evernote notes from one notebook to an external drive. This is the message I am getting. It says "process completed." I'm not sure what that means. What do I need to do next? I appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me. If possible, I would like to export in HTML or PDF. Thanks. 


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  • Level 5

You run the commands by opening a terminal session. First you install and give it access (enter the command "evernote-backup init-db" into the terminal session, and follow the instructions). Then you run the download (sync). The result of it is a Python database containing your notes. As a default it will install on your main drive, so make sure you have enough space.

The third command (export output_dir/ ) is to create ENEX files in the output directory folder - this is the location you specify. It will create 1 ENEX file for every notebook.

There is no other export option, HTML or PDF does not (yet ?) exist as options. PDF is not really good as general export option - except some picture file types all attachments are lost when the note is converted into a PDF.

When the database was successfully created after step 2, it will show in your user directory:


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Just as an observation about the regular Evernote backup errors:
The notes themselves are not corrupted, the error occurs with larger than a few-note notebooks.
The backup procedure needs to be performed multiple times, each time going further, past the previous error(s) until it manages to complete successfully.
Seems to just be the Evernote's inability to manage "large" backups.

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  • Level 5

Actually I had errors when running that backup script as well, but maybe for another reason.

It documented a certain note as being the one where it stopped - but the reason was that the computer went to sleep while the script was still running.

On a second run it went smoothly, without doing anything with the note.

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