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Sync issues? Imported notebooks losing notes; tag changes not saving; some tags simply not syncing at all

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I'm considering coming back to Evernote after stopping my use of it due to functionality and reliability issues a few years back, but must say that this has not been a good start. I've already had a few issues on the (Windows) desktop version (latest update as of today):

  1. 1. Imported notebooks work at first, but then randomly deletes some notes. A notebook of 10, for example, dropped to seven within only minutes of importing it.
  2.  I tried to tidy up my tags by dragging and dropping them to nest under another but despite seeming at first to work, I see it then almost immediately undoes itself.
    1. Having had no success with the above I went to try from the web version to find that the list of tags showing there is much leaner than on the desktop version - they don't seem to even all be syncing. This includes some that I've tried to move as per above (they're neither in where they should be nor where they were/insist on remaining)



Separately, I'd like to take this opportunity to also comment that having to buy an account before Evernote will even speak to me is a HUGE disincentive to doing so. It speaks volumes about the aftersales I should expect, and reminds me of why I stopped using it in the first place.


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Device? Windows & Evernote version numbers?  We're not Evernote - mostly other users here - so if you have some issues you'd be better off contacting Support.  But it mainly sounds like you're operating a new v10 install that hasn't yet had time to create a proper local structure.  If you're still having issues,  I'd suggest uninstalling and reinstalling as a start.

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thanks :)

I have tried to contact support but can't for the life of me seem to find any way to do so anymore. I'm not currently a paid user and see the requirement to upgrade to get support to be pretty indicative of a likely low standard of service after (which is in part exactly why I stopped being a paid user to start with). I've tried reaching out on other platforms, too, but they've just ignored me.

To your questions, I'm on Windows 11 (Surface Pro, reasonably recent model) and it looks like version 10.70.2, although did also have the same issue on the prior version. I'd not factored in that it would need much time to set up a local structure, but imagine that should've gotten itself sorted by now (and issue does persist) so I'll try the uninstall/reinstall, let it sit for a bit, then see how I go.

I've just had a look at the notebook on my iPad though and noticed that the tags in question are sitting on that under an 'old tags' heading, and the option to move them seems to be greyed out. It seems plausible that has something to do with it, although there's nothing showing like that on the PC version so even if it is I don't really know what to do with it...


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  • Level 5

Access to support for technical questions is only for subscribers (actually it was for the last years, this is nothing new). There other options were always optional, and will get the least attention in times when the official support channel is inundated.

The new Free plan has a total limit of 50 notes in one single notebook. If you try to import more, I think it would be consequential when the client rejects any note in excess of the limit. It may be that they are initially accepted by the local client, but then get rejected once they sync with the server.

So maybe check if you are already at 50 notes, and one notebook. Notes in the trash count into the limit. If they would allow to import more, the new limit could be circumvented by importing.

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I'm fairly sure they had moved to that model when I did have a paid subscription a few years back so am aware it's been a while - really I'm just surprised that they've stuck to that terrible business model - it really isn't in their interests to go so hard on it. I don't mind Evernote prioritising paid customers for support purposes (indeed, they should) - if they provide it ONLY to paid customers, though, I can't actually test the service before I buy it (especially for people like me who have had previous issues with it and need to see if they've changed).

Your point about the fifty notes is important - I wasn't aware of that and do have more than that. They're all from my old notebook that WAS on the paid plan, though, but I can now only access by sharing it with a new account (the old email is no longer active, and because I can't access Evernote support I can't log in and can't update it) - very glad evernote never logged itself out of my ipad. I do seem to be able to download and export most of those notes, but given that limitation editing any of them might well be the issue I'm coming up against here.


It does seem to be becoming clear that Evernote leaves no practical way to actually test it out before committing to a paid plan though, and it's too expensive to just pay it on a whim, especially when I have had poor experiences with it before - looks like exporting my notebooks and leaving it once and for all is the way to go.


Thanks to you both for helping out with this.

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  • Level 5

You can test it with 50 notes pretty well.

If you have retired from a paid subscription, you can have more than 50 notes, even edit them. But you can’t create new ones.

In your case it’s treated as a new account, so the 50 notes limit will slam down on trying to add more. The limit was introduced roughly a month ago.

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On 1/9/2024 at 4:13 AM, squizzie said:

 I tried to tidy up my tags by dragging and dropping them to nest under another but despite seeming at first to work, I see it then almost immediately undoes itself.

I meet this effect from time to time - but not reproducable to describe it for support 😞
Maybe this is a sync issue and might be fixed (hopefully) in an upcoming version with RENT (a new metadata sync process). You may look into thread "
Will RENT solve RTE problems?" for some mor information.


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