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Disable Automatic Updates

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Hi there.  I've been an Evernote user for 10+ years and really love it.  However, recently, at least once a week (or if not more) whenever I open Evernote on my laptop, there's a pop up that says "install the latest update", and I have to install it to continue (no option to "install later).  It then installs, closes Evernote and then re-opens... taking anywhere from one to five minutes (sometimes longer).  Super annoying as I'm generally opening Evernote right before a meeting, and in several instances had to turn to my phone (synch'd) to find the notes I needed to start a meeting.

How can this be changed?  I've spent over an hour researching forums and other posts, and can't find anything.  Can anyone help?  This  has been happening for at least a few months now and very frustrating.  Thank you!

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Hi.  I don't believe there is an option.  Evernote seems to take the view that updates should always be applied as soon as possible.  All I can suggest is that you open Evernote as soon as you can each day to make sure there are no updates waiting.

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  • Level 5
On 12/8/2023 at 9:26 AM, Heidi Turley said:

Hi there.  I've been an Evernote user for 10+ years and really love it.  However, recently, at least once a week (or if not more) whenever I open Evernote on my laptop, there's a pop up that says "install the latest update", and I have to install it to continue (no option to "install later).  It then installs, closes Evernote and then re-opens... taking anywhere from one to five minutes (sometimes longer).  Super annoying as I'm generally opening Evernote right before a meeting, and in several instances had to turn to my phone (synch'd) to find the notes I needed to start a meeting.

How can this be changed?  I've spent over an hour researching forums and other posts, and can't find anything.  Can anyone help?  This  has been happening for at least a few months now and very frustrating.  Thank you!

Welcome to the forums. Your research was accurate: there's no way to do this. That is, if you close Evernote (including by shutting down your computer) after each session. I keep Evernote running all the time, and update notices only appear periodically in the left-hand panel, with an offer to click and update which I can ignore till I'm ready. That seems to be the only workaround. You're right though that the past week or so has had a blizzard of minor updates, which may have fixed some problems I wasn't having but did get kind of annoying.

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Similar to Zoom, and with Zoom it's really a problem...  because almost by definition with Zoom we're opening it right before a meeting.  Fortunately, with both Zoom and Evernote, the update is pretty quick.  Maybe Evernote will be more open to an option like this in the future, but for now, given that they are continuing to untangle a pile of  "spaghetti-code," I imagine for them getting as many users as possible on the latest version is helpful, so I can understand why it's this way for now.


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