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Indent Photos



I would like to be able to indent photos just like you can with text.

I use indenting quite a bit. I use headings (I would like 'proper' headings - see the other feature requests from everyone) a lot and then indent all the text under that heading. So when I add a photo I want it to indent along with the text. At the moment the photo sticks to the left so ruins the whole heading/indenting.

I also use OneNote which does allow you to indent images.

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Yeah - would be nice to have that ability.

Right now you can (kind of) indent images with the bullet list, but you see the bullet and it doesn't line up perfectly with an indented paragraph either -- but it will move it away from the edge.

I have seen tables suggested also, but then you get the cell border and a space below the image and the cell border (and that doesn't line up either).

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Bullet lists helps a little - in that you can actually make an image move to the right. But it's horribly messy...once your image is pasted in you can't then change the level of indentation via the indent button or tab key like you can with text as once you select the individual image (you can't select the list item or the whole line in the item) the indent button gets greyed out - unless you select the entire list and some text around it and then press indent button - but that only works for an entire list then.

You *can* drag the image back to the left to remove the indent - but you then can't re-indent it - you have to delete the image and paste it in again on a new bullet list...

All a bit messy/inconsistent and shouldn't need a workaround anyway. To compare - indenting images works without any issues in OneNote.

Tables don't help for me as you can't indent them at all. You can add your images to the second column but I want to indent my image along with the text around it really.

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16 hours ago, Boot17 said:

Right now you can (kind of) indent images with the bullet list, but you see the bullet and it doesn't line up perfectly with an indented paragraph either -- but it will move it away from the edge.

Nice trick but obviously with limitations as you and @dantek have pointed out. I actually find I prefer using a checklist rather than a bullet list as I find the grey checklist square slightly less distracting than the very black bullet point. You can also dim the image by ticking the box (fairly useless but cool none the less!)

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2 hours ago, dantek said:

You *can* drag the image back to the left to remove the indent - but you then can't re-indent it - you have to delete the image and paste it in again on a new bullet list...

All a bit messy/inconsistent and shouldn't need a workaround anyway.

Messy yes and not preferable for sure, but you can drag the image to a bullet list without having to delete and paste again.

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1 hour ago, Boot17 said:

Messy yes and not preferable for sure, but you can drag the image to a bullet list without having to delete and paste again.

Great - thanks - good tip!

Still messy and not what we should be doing though. Evernote should support indenting photos natively since it's capable of moving them around in bulleted lists so it can display them!

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I also consider the need to cleanly indent photos to be important in my work. I often include a graphic when creating instructions and it's currently "messy" and disrupts the flow/appearance. Aside from the content looking less professional, it makes it less obvious that a graphic is part of what comes before and/or after.

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This is still an issue for me and I think would be a useful fix/improvement for Evernote for lots of people to give it parity with OneNote.

If anyone else is still finding this a problem I would encourage you to post your thoughts on here.

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