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Anyone else have Windows Defender / Security reporting threats?

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I just got through ranting at Microsoft because Win 11 Defender keeps on telling me it has saved me from threats,  or it needs me to look at threats,  but I could never find any more details on what these threats actually were.  Stoopid app.

Embarassingly,  after my rant,  I found some details and quite a few look like this...


- and yes that's my Evernote roaming cache folder we're looking at.

I don't for a minute think that there's some sort of leak here - I'm more worried that Defender is randomly deleting and quarantining some of Evernote's temporary working files,  and that might be one reason for the occasionally weird behaviour we see reported on Windows.

Thankfully I'm not having any issues (that I'm aware of) so these files might just be redundant bits of Elektron or something - but I'm reporting it to Evernote,  and I'll add the ticket here.

Anyone else seeing "threat removed" or "threat quaratined" messages - you might like to investigate more thoroughly and join in if you want!

EDIT:  Duly reported - #3765440

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Just in passing... I have Defender turned off since I use Malwarebytes.  I'm not getting any threat massages involving Evernote and I haven't had most of the problems folks have reported here (knock on wood).  However, correlation does not equal causation, so I wouldn't read too much into that.



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With some help from Microsoft I tracked down more details of my 'threats' which apparently came from more folders than Evernote, so I guess this isn't an issue to worry about.  I also remembered that I run Evernote on my 'other' computer - a Win 10 Laptop - which doesn't show me these issues,  so it isn't a software issue.  Also Elektron is used quite widely and if it had a vulnerability I'm sure someone would have fixed it by now. 

Sorry for jumping at shadows - I'm just going to go run some in-depth scans to make sure everything is clear.

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19 hours ago, VincentC said:

Just in passing... I have Defender turned off since I use Malwarebytes.  I'm not getting any threat massages involving Evernote and I haven't had most of the problems folks have reported here (knock on wood).  However, correlation does not equal causation, so I wouldn't read too much into that.



Same here. 

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  • 2 months later...

This situation happened to me as well.

I have Windows 10 pro (64-bit) and I have the client application of Evernote installed.

Never did that to be as I recall, but my OS responded by Windows firewall warning me of Evernote application client trying to update. 

I let it update and everything seems okay, but I need to do some more research to see why Windows Defender / Windows Firewall is being triggered.

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  • Level 5*
22 hours ago, Suburb Hermit said:

This situation happened to me as well.

I'd recommend a precautionary full system scan for peace of mind.  Defender is loyally telling me each time it identifies a threat,  and names the software to which it takes exception,  but I'm beginning to think this is a tad overzealous - and mainly MS showing me how much they are protecting me from the big, bad world...

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