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Using Evernote Offline

Go to solution Solved by PinkElephant,

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In the next year or so I shall be off grid for weeks at the time and would like to use Evernote enterely offline for prolonged periods. I can do that with Legacy (but I know that its days are numbered) I know I can access notes offline on v10 but I can't figure out how to search for them. Of course access but no ability to search makes the whole thing useless. I have asked Evernote but they have not bothered to reply. Is there a way of searching notes when offline on v10? Thanks for any advice including about alternative to EN that are fully functional offline.

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  • Evernote Expert

In theory you can open and login to Evernote. Then go off line and all should work.

But I'm not at all confident that things will work well if you are off line for extended periods. 

A great deal happens in the cloud and I fear that you will experience many challenges and these will increase the longer you have been offline.

For sure you should limit yourself to one device. That should probably be a desktop/laptop rather than a mobile device.

You could try using the Legacy product. That will do what it can. Provided Legacy is still working when you are back online you will be able to catch up.

If you have the capacity to do so, I'd run an experiment. Create a Free account. Load up v10 on a test computer, import a notebook from your regular account, and take it offline once the account has synced. Then try it for a week keeping the account off line.

Let us know how you get on.

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  • Level 5
  • Solution

Sure, it simply works.

Offline is standard on desktop clients, it’s a subscribers feature on mobile. On desktop you download all, or opt out of it. On mobile you choose the notes or notebooks to download.

If you can’t search (you don’t tell about your clients), you have a corrupted download. It depends on the client how to replace the bad local database by a fresh one.

 I sometimes do quite some cleanup work while on the train, offline. It is equivalent to some days of regular use. It syncs when I go back online, and that’s it. I think with a server link from time to time you should do ok.

If possible avoid to use several clients for note editing while not syncing. Creating new notes is no issue (they will not be a available on any other client before synced), but editing the same note on different, unsynced clients will likely create conflicts and duplication.

Contact to support should work if you issued a ticket, using one of the official channels.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

Sure, it simply works.

Offline is standard on desktop clients, it’s a subscribers feature on mobile. On desktop you download all, or opt out of it. On mobile you choose the notes or notebooks to download.

If you can’t search (you don’t tell about your clients), you have a corrupted download. It depends on the client how to replace the bad local database by a fresh one.

 I sometimes do quite some cleanup work while on the train, offline. It is equivalent to some days of regular use. It syncs when I go back online, and that’s it. I think with a server link from time to time you should do ok.

If possible avoid to use several clients for note editing while not syncing. Creating new notes is no issue (they will not be a available on any other client before synced), but editing the same note on different, unsynced clients will likely create conflicts and duplication.

Contact to support should work if you issued a ticket, using one of the official channels.

Thank you so much. Just to clarify on a windows laptop I should be able to search using filters when offline. Presently I can't, so there must be a problem with my database. Do I understan you right?

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1 hour ago, agsteele said:

In theory you can open and login to Evernote. Then go off line and all should work.

But I'm not at all confident that things will work well if you are off line for extended periods. 

A great deal happens in the cloud and I fear that you will experience many challenges and these will increase the longer you have been offline.

For sure you should limit yourself to one device. That should probably be a desktop/laptop rather than a mobile device.

You could try using the Legacy product. That will do what it can. Provided Legacy is still working when you are back online you will be able to catch up.

If you have the capacity to do so, I'd run an experiment. Create a Free account. Load up v10 on a test computer, import a notebook from your regular account, and take it offline once the account has synced. Then try it for a week keeping the account off line.

Let us know how you get on.

Thank you. Yes I can do what I want with Legacy but I fear it will soon disappear

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  • Level 5
14 minutes ago, Alessandra said:

Thank you so much. Just to clarify on a windows laptop I should be able to search using filters when offline. Presently I can't, so there must be a problem with my database. Do I understan you right?

Filters are not available when offline - this is clearly signaled by greying out the symbol, and a message if you click on them.

But search means not only filters. Search for words is working, and you can use the advanced search language to add filters to your search for keywords. Not clickable like the filtering tools, but working in offline mode either.


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Just now, PinkElephant said:

Filters are not available when offline - this is clearly signaled by greying out the symbol, and a message if you click on them.

But search means not only filters. Search for words is working, and you can use the advanced search language to add filters to your search for keywords. Not clickable like the filtering tools, but working in offline mode either.


Thank you. I thought it was not working because nothing appeared for over a minute. You are right it does work it is only terminally slow -not the thing to use if you urgently need offline access to a note. Legacy performs way better in this regard

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  • Level 5

Why should I ignore a relevant question ?

Just tried (before answering) the search on my Mac, in offline mode. It is as fast as online, just the filters are not available.

If it takes much longer for you (always assuming EN is installed on a SSD), we come back to the corruption problem that may possibly be there.

You can replace the database on a PC using this steps. After it leave the EN client open in the background - it will need quite a while to download all, including attachments.

  1. Go to File > Sign Out [name] from the menu bar.
  2. Select the "Remove my Evernote data from this device" option, then click Sign out.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. Sign back in to Evernote. Keep the app open while it downloads your notes from the server.
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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Why should I ignore a relevant question ?

Just tried (before answering) the search on my Mac, in offline mode. It is as fast as online, just the filters are not available.

If it takes much longer for you (always assuming EN is installed on a SSD), we come back to the corruption problem that may possibly be there.

You can replace the database on a PC using this steps. After it leave the EN client open in the background - it will need quite a while to download all, including attachments.

  1. Go to File > Sign Out [name] from the menu bar.
  2. Select the "Remove my Evernote data from this device" option, then click Sign out.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. Sign back in to Evernote. Keep the app open while it downloads your notes from the server.

Thank you so much! I will do that

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