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After moving from the Legacy version to the new version of Evernote, I started getting this error and this is annoying.

I was sorting my notes. I moved media (images, and voices note) from one note to another in between my notebooks. What I do it, I "cut" (also I tried copy, but same thing) from one note and "past" on another note. It works for 80% and the rest, I got the error. The downside of cut, result into the content is removed from the original note, and for the other note (that showed the error) is showing the media content as "undefined" (can't be viewed or displayed) – the content is lost. For that, I need to restore the original note and try again.  It keeps happening. 

I tried:

  • I tried in another attempt, and didn't work.
  • I tried to close the tool and try again, didn't work.
  • I tried to download it on desktop and then upload it again, it works. But this is time-consuming and annoying. 
  • I tried the legacy version (💘), worked as expected, superfast as well.
  • I tried to use the new Evernote version after using the legacy one, it works then got break again. 
  • I tried to copy one media at a time and paste it next to the "undefined" media, it worked, and I have both the displaying the media.
  • I tried to view the media and then copy and paste it, it didn't work.

I don't do this often, but this is not reliable. Thanks! 

error in evernote.png

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  • Level 5

We have a long running issue on Windows with v10 - no idea if it is a Windows problem, or an EN problem. It doesn't exist on the Mac, so I lean towards the Windows theory.

It usually helps if you don't move content directly from one app to EN, in any direction. Drop it shortly on the desktop, pick it up again and move it to the final destination.

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Thanks for your feedback. Interesting, I don't know how to help fix it. For clarification, I was not moving from outside Evernote to Evernote. I was moving content inside Evernote. From one note to another, as a part of sorting and organizing. I hope it will be fixed.

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  • Level 5

All attachments are wrapped when stored inside of notes.

I have never tried, but maybe the "drop to desktop" helps with moving stuff around as well. It practically unwraps the envelop around the content.

I mostly use the merge notes, and then delete it if I don't need an attachment from the merged result.

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  • Level 5*

At least you are getting an audio record.  I would say that half the time I make a recording a record never gets made.  This is on iOS.  I start the recording, after a period of time the screen blanks, as expected, and then when I activate the phone to stop the recording later I find that the recording quit and never saved.  It got to the point that I can’t rely on that function so instead use a separate app and then forward the audio file to Evernote for storage.

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  • Level 5

Well, we know that when audio fails on mobile, it fails big. Since it saves directly into a note, once connection goes south or the audio exceeds the note size limit, the audio gets lost. On mobile there is not even a way to recover it.

Anybody who is serious about grabbing audio should use an app that saves to local memory only. Files can be attached later to a note, and if it is the right app, it can even do an automatic transcript and send it to the note with the clip as well.

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Are you going to fix this? I load pictures in to EVERY ONE of my notes. Without the ability to do this EN is virtually useless to me.

How can I go back to a previous version?

This is what I HATE about upgrades.....

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  • Level 5

You can try to get an earlier installer from support or other sources. This is however not without risk - the new RTE needs a conversion of the data structure. An older version might create havoc when trying to work with this new database.

I would do a complete uninstall using Revo Uninstaller before installing any prior version.

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