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How to add an image at cursor position



I was wondering what kind of image file one could paste INSIDE the text of a note. I noticed that, with a "normal" file type like jpg or bmp, the image is pasted into the next line. The only type of image that does not respect this "rule" is that of emojis (Win+.) which fortunately are pasted at the cursor position.
Please advise. Many thanks,

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11 replies to this idea

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@Andrea27 Another word for this is an "in-line" image. Here are a couple of threads related to it with discussion:



The old (pre Version 10) version of Evernote supported it, but the text wouldn't wrap around the image, you could only have one line of text on the same row as the image. In some ways, I think the table work-around is a good way to do it in that you can have multiple lines of text even with the image.


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Thank you both very much for the quick reply which confirms once again that I was right to stop paying for Evernote.
The old version (which they now call Legacy) supported this feature and, among other things, didn't take up 2.5GB of RAM without even an "open" note.
Unfortunately, after resetting my old PC, the Legacy version is no longer able to download any notes. But that's another story...

Any suggestions on which new note-taking app to use for Windows?

PS: uneducated as I am, it remains a mystery to me how emojis can be inserted within a text instead. Are they not images themselves?

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Emojis are Unicode encoded - that is, the picture is behind a character type code that is treated just as any other letter.

EN v10 is the closest you will find to legacy. Every other note taking app needs to be reviewed taking your use cases into account.

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On 5/17/2023 at 11:06 AM, Andrea27 said:

Any suggestions on which new note-taking app to use for Windows?

Evernote Version 10. 😃

Seriously though, Evernote Version 10 is practically a different note taking app for many because it seems so foreign different to them. It wasn't really that way for me, but I've spent scores of hours evaluating other tools within the last 2 years: OneNote, StandardNotes, UpNote, Obsidian, Note Joy, Nimbus Notes, Notesnook, Amplenotes, Bear, Craft, Rome, Joplin, Dendron, Notion... the list goes on! They all have pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses. There are always tradeoffs. In the end, Evernote (version 10) was where it was at for me. It really depends on your use cases.

Try a few different apps and you might like one better, but maybe you should also try Version 10 longer and see if you can't get used to it.


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Thanks again to both of you for your help, I really appreciated.

I wasn't bad with Evernote Legacy (I've been a paying user for several years) but I really don't like the new version and its interface which favors working with only one note at a time. In addition to being incomprehensibly heavy in terms of RAM occupation and full of things I don't really need (tasks, calendars, home and annoying text formatting problems)

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I felt somewhat the same way at first, though probably not as strongly. However, now when I go back to Legacy (on both Mac and Windows, but especially Windows), the UI makes me cringe and I much prefer version 10. I especially like how it is so consistent looking and feeling across web, Mac, Windows, and mobile.

2 hours ago, Andrea27 said:

which favors working with only one note at a time.

I got the impression that you are on Windows. Doesn't Legacy Evernote Windows only support one note at a time in the main view? (i.e you can't have tabs and you can't have a second "main" view open)

I generally have at least four or five notes open in Evernote all day. (The main view, two "side" notes that I pop out and then a couple of other notes that I use for reference or am actively editing.)

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19 hours ago, Boot17 said:

I got the impression that you are on Windows. Doesn't Legacy Evernote Windows only support one note at a time in the main view? (i.e you can't have tabs and you can't have a second "main" view open)

In the Legacy Evernote for Windows a double-click on a note in the the main view "automatically" pop out the note in a new window. Which is exactly the behavior I would like in version 10.x as well

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3 hours ago, Andrea27 said:

In the Legacy Evernote for Windows a double-click on a note in the the main view "automatically" pop out the note in a new window

You are talking about double-clicking a note from the note list? You can do the same thing in Version 10. (Also a note in a new window is different from a completely different main window and/or multiple tabs like what you could do on the MacOS Legacy version which is what I was referencing.)

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18 hours ago, Boot17 said:

You are talking about double-clicking a note from the note list? You can do the same thing in Version 10

Thanks Boot17 for the suggestion! Until now I just did what PinkElephant suggest in his last post, ie open a note in a new window by right click menu or by the main menu

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