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Inconsistent Checklist Boxes

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You are using different types of checkmarks as EN10 uses two different modes for these:
  • (Checklistin front of lines
    • default, inserted by CTRL-SHIFT-C
      • anywhere in text
    • or by typing "[]" or "[x]" (without surrounding quotes)
      • at the beginning of a line
  • (Checkbox) anywhere within text
    • inserted by round icon with "+" -> "Checkbox"
    • or by typing "[]" or "[x]" (without surrounding quotes)
      • ... not at the beginning of a line
Maybe different position and color of the (unchecked) checkmarks is by intent. If you check the boxes, you can see the difference more obvious (see above 😉)
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  • Evernote Expert

A check box places at the start of a line will convert to a checklist.

Try replacing the first box with a period/full stop or a dash/hyphen followed by a check box.

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My favorite thing to do in these cases is to use a bullet list and then a checkbox, like this:



To reiterate somewhat from what has already been said: this is a checklist:


And looks like this:


This is a checkbox:


And looks like this:


@NewHero You are mixing checkboxes and checklists together. As has been mentioned, you get funny auto-conversion behavior when using a checkbox at the beginning of a line with no formatting in front of it (to prevent it from being converted to a checklist).

For just a couple of related threads with additional ideas, see:


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