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Open in New Window Additions



One thing that I just really love about Evernote is its ability to open a note in a new window. I use this feature all the time. Even right now, I have the main Evernote window open and three other notes open in other windows. I really love this feature.

Here are some ideas for possible minor improvement (at least for me) and I am interested in discussion around these ideas as well. And perhaps there is a better way to do something with new windows that I am overlooking. I think these suggestions could also apply equally to the Windows version.

#1 - Be able to open a note in a new window from the 'Switch To' search.


Right now, if one of the search results is a note, you can't command left-click it and open it a new window like you could an internal link from the editor. Out of all the things I have listed, this is the one that I would love to see the most.

#2 - Be able to open a note in a new window from the side bar:


Similar to the one above, it would be nice to be able to command left-click on any note in the side bar to open that note in a new window.

#3 - Give the "Open in new window" a keyboard shortcut.



You can open a note in a new window by clicking the three dots at the top right of the note and selecting "Open in new window". Or you can select the "Note -> Open in New Window" from the top menu bar.

It would be nice to have an Evernote keyboard shortcut to be able to perform this action more easily (like the Command-Option-Control-N to start a new note in a new window)

Edit: Shortcut added in 10.96.5 - https://evernote.com/release-notes/10.96.5

#4 - Put a "Open in new window" button (with just an icon -- no text) next to the 'Share' button.

Like the 'Expand' note button in the top left of the note:


This would only save one click, probably the least "worthy" of all the suggestions.


What other things do you think about opening a note in a new window?

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Yes, all of these! If I had to prioritize because only certain features would be implemented at first, I would prioritize them in the order you listed, one, then two, etc.

#1 and #2 are big oversights in my opinion. I'd be very happy if just those two were added.

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  • Level 5

This is a good discussion, that could lead to useful improvements.

Just don’t forget to drop it on a desk at EN PM. They may or may not monitor the forum, but they promised to read everything send via feedback.

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Oi - I forgot one that I commented about elsewhere that I think would be helpful:

#5 - Be able to open a note in a new window from the Task View and Task Details

Be able to Cmd/Ctrl Click on the notes highlighted in red below:



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For me the functionality is already built in (Mac OSX Ventura). 


1. Hover over a link in a note, like in the image.

2. Hold down the  Command key

3. With the Command key still held down, left-click on the link

The linked note then opens in a new note window.

Key combo - 2023-04-16_13-14-15.png

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Yay! I see the shortcut for opening a window in a new note made it's way in 10.96.5 - https://evernote.com/release-notes/10.96.5


New Features:

  • You can now quickly open a note in a new window using a keyboard shortcut (CMD+O on Mac and ALT+O on Windows).


Opening a note in a new window with a keyboard shortcut (like Cmd/Ctrl Enter vs regular Enter) from the Switch To command (or the "Go To" section from the regular search) would still be way cool too.

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