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Location based reminders AND location tag on notes.



It would be really useful for me to have reminders that pop up at specified location, as I have certain things to remember or task to do at that location.

To be able to schedule a task and for it not to "come live" before a certain date, then to remind me at a specified location would be even better.

Also, if I make a note or take a picture at a location, it would then be great to be able to search on that location to find relevent notes and pictures, particularly if I am recording progress of something.

I'm not the first to ask this... I'm sure it would be popular.

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8 replies to this idea

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10 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

There currently is no geofencing reminder in EN.

Clearly - that is why I posted it in requested features!  Maybe I am wrong, but I'm sure it was there when I first started using EN.

10 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

About the location: If enabled it is saved when creating a note with the mobile app. Locations can be searched through the advanced search syntax, or by geographical search. Geographical search is available for Professional and Teams users.

I am neither a professional or teams user.  I have no use for either, and I do not want or need the complexity or expense. Neither does your remark address my request, or support it.  I would like the app to make a note or reminder live at a given location.  The mobile app should allow location based identification for notes if enabled, that is very basic - but locations should be able to be added remotely, ie when not at that location.  As a very basic example, to buy an item when next near a given shop.

 I am a very basic user with basic computer skills.  I do not want to have to go into the "advanced search syntax". to find what I am looking for.  I'm sure your post was intended to be helpful, not patronising and condescending, and that I just read it that way.  But when I use Windows, I do not need to understand the code it was written in, I just need it to do what I bought it for.  And if I find something doesn't work for me, or the product would be better for mortals like me, I make a suggestion.  

Just because something is obvious to me, doesn't mean it is to the smart folk who write this stuff, hence my suggestion/request.  And if they want more users, perhaps they should consider that ordinary non-professional or team users find important.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.  I hope EN themselves read these pages too.

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  • Level 5

There currently is no geofencing reminder in EN.

About the location: If enabled it is saved when creating a note with the mobile app. Locations can be searched through the advanced search syntax, or by geographical search. Geographical search is available for Professional and Teams users.

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  • Level 5

The forum is user2user, and we have no indication EN staff is actively monitoring forum posts to draw product ideas from them.

If you want to contact EN, use the feedback function of the clients, or issue a support ticket.

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  • Evernote Expert

There are many good ideas that are suggested that are simple to describe in a few words but are rather more challenging to deliver.

I think this idea is likely to be one such.

I imagine that it is easy enough for an application to know where it is at the moment.

Quite probably it is rather more difficult for you to be able to define where you will be at some point into the future in order for the reminder to trigger when you get there.

I've tried working with location based reminders in the past outside Evernote. It was unreliable. I doubt If have any use for it in Evernote but I can see that it might help others and I wish you well with your proposal.

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  • Level 5

The problem with geofencing is that the apps need to be active, at least in the background. Else you depend on 2 factors, one the location, two on the app being active.

My experience is: Pick a service rooted in the OS for geofencing.

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Or allow an integration with a native OS geofencing service based on tags or something similar. One app to keep everything tidy, allowing the features of an external app to increase functionality.

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