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Support for Apple Pencil double-tap



A few versions ago Evernote changed the Scribble feature in some ways. Since then the Apple Pencil “double-tap” doesn’t switch between Write and Erase anymore. This small change made me go from “Yay, not using anything else, ever” to “Hm… can I transfer +3000 notes to Nebo… or OneNote?”

TL;DR: Please (re-)add the feature where the Apple Pencil “double-tap” switches between Write and Erase in Scribble-mode.

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13 replies to this idea

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You name it !

“Support“ is the key word. Issue a support ticket, if you want to reach EN.

How knows - maybe they drop everything else, tear down the whole data structure, rebuild it from scratch and enable Apple Pencil Gen.2 support - this is the only pencil that supports double tap, Pencil 1 doesn‘t.

Who cares about 200 million users who are waiting for general features. EN makes YOUR day by adding a feature that will only support THE SELECTED FEW, who own an iPad Pro or a new Air. No more work for the masses, full power for the Pencil-2-classes.

Everything else is communism, isn‘t it ?

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Angry ? … no, I am quite amused.

These MY device is not working with the last remote function vs. improving the app for all users basically all follow the same structure.

Pencil … double tap … better fix your font selection, it is a waste of space.

Just from user2user 😉

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Oh dear. I’m so glad I met you, you’ve really added value to the discussion. Thanks.

What I have learned:

  1. one should never give objective and concise customer feedback - one should always focus on all users.
  2. scornful language and snide remarks about e.g. font is just a sign your interlocutor is super friendly and just amused
  3. who needs Twitter for meaningless conversation when there is Evernote Support forum
  4. people with thousands of “points” on a fringe forum are totally balanced and don’t need something else to do in their spare time


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This is what makes up diversity - between users. We have different opinions, and we can express them here. If you can‘t stand the waves, don‘t drop stones into the pond.

Your font selection gets more artistic all the time - now you discovered the colors as well. Looking at your issue, handwritten font would be nice for a change.

BTW your last post didn‘t add any objective aspects to the discussion. Anything to tell the fellow forum users, like your use case ?

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I didn’t come to a support forum for “opinions”. I truly (truly) don’t care about what you think. I came here for objective information: “This function was removed, that makes me not use your product. Is the function returning or should I transition?”    

And that’s true, we completely left objectivity by your first post. Keep dropping your stones in your little pond. I don’t need “diversity” and “different opinions” and you “expressing yourself” - on a support board.  

Meanwhile, if there is anyone actual knowledgeable about the issue, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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1) If you would read before you post, you would know. There is a forum search …

2) The forum is user2user

3) Case you didn’t notice, no specific pencil support. There are reasons not to expect it any time soon. But it could happen tomorrow, who knows.

4) EN practically never comments on future features. You know it is there when it shows in release notes.

5) Now you learned everything there is to know about your question.

6) Ask support.

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On 8/31/2022 at 9:19 AM, PinkElephant said:

“Support“ is the key word. Issue a support ticket, if you want to reach EN.

This is the forum "Product Feedback/Feature Requests > Evernote for iOS Requests (Versions 10.0 and above)". I think the initial posting fits perfectly as it is a feature request for Evernote for iOS. On the other hand I would say that using a support ticket for feature requests would be a misuse as this is obviously for support requests.

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  • Evernote Expert

You might think that. However you cannot be sure that posting in the forums will get the attention you desire. So the Feedback option in the apps or a support ticket are the way to go to be sure you are heard.

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23 minutes ago, agsteele said:

You might think that. However you cannot be sure that praying in the forums will get the attention you desire. So the Feedback option in the apps or a support ticket are the way to go to be sure your are heard.

Nevertheless the original posting is exactly what this forum is for according to its name. I don't understand why the posting is treated as it is above. If it is wrong or useless to post a feature request in a forum called "Feature Requests", what is the sense of this forum then?

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  • Evernote Expert

You are welcome. Nobody says you shouldn't post. However, experience tells us that you are much more likely to get attention from Evernote by following the suggested route. Here you will get the response of other users but absolutely no indication of whether anyone will do anything.

Your choice.

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13 minutes ago, agsteele said:

You are welcome. Nobody says you shouldn't post.

I am not the one who made this thread. I was just surprised about the very harsh and rude reaction to the initial posting by petterpetterpetter. He did nothing wrong.

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