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Inserting template into note and filtering by notebook stack



Hello, I have two URGENT feature requests:

I rely a lot on a custom templates feature for my academic research. However, whatever functionality I gain from templates is lost because there is no "insert template into note" option. I start typing in the title, and the "open gallery" button goes away and I have to delete my note and start another note over again in order to get the template I want! I'd like to be able to have easy access to my note templates at all times and be able to insert multiple templates into a single note if I want to.

I also NEED to be able to filter by notebook stack. I use Evernote for both my personal life and my academic research -  I like the filter by notebook option, but I use different notebook stacks for different reasons and have over 6 notebook stacks and probably 50+ notebooks. I need to be able to use notebook stacks to bunch related notes together while still having a semblance of organization that isn't just relying on tags. Being able to filter by notebook stack would GREATLY help my organization and workflow. Please make it happen!

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17 hours ago, emectric said:

I also NEED to be able to filter by notebook stack.

You are right that you can't filter by notebook stack. However you can still search by notebook stack using the advanced search syntax. 


Enclose the stack name in quotation marks if it contains spaces

So for example 

stack:my_stack_name evernote

Would bring up all the notes in the stack called "my_stack_name" containing the word "evernote".

Alternatively if you click on a note stack in the sidebar the view is then of all the notes contained in that note stack. You can then filter as desired for whatever you want.

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Hi.  I don't think there can be such a thing as an 'urgent' feature request - like most busy software houses I'd think Evernote has their road map for the next 12-24 months pretty much laid out;  and when (and IF) any feature requests are entertained,  they'd have to go through a painstaking evaluation,  costing and coding process which probably takes upwards of 12 months before launch.  So if these ideas are accepted - and unless they were already working on them internally - you might see some movement in a couple of years.

Not saying there's anything wrong with the requests,   but setting expectations - don't expect things to change anytime soon!

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About the template - typing - button remove issue there are support tickets pending (at least mine plus one other I know of). I see it as a (minor) bug that typing into the title already remove the template buttons. 

About stack search: Makes sense, both in a positive way (only search this stack/s) as negative (search all content except this).

Maybe technically not that easy: Stacks only exist as a grouping of notebooks, they don’t are a real entity in EN. Could mean they need to build another index in the data base to make „stacks“ as a search argument working. If this is the case, it is no small addition.

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