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In my note I have multiple command line commands, when I copy them from my note to the terminal and try to run them they will because instead of 'normal' spaces (character code 32) I have non breaking space (character code 160). 

It's very frustrating as it's not visible at first sight. I tried fixing it by removing/simplifying formatting but to no avail. 

The problem is only present in the 10.x version. When I copy the same command from the same note in version 6.25 I get the right behavior i.e normal spaces (character code 32)

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  • Evernote Expert

Notknowing exactly which applications you have in this process, it is a little difficult to test.  Perhaps @gazumped has offered a solution... What happens if you store your commands in a code block? Does that simplify the code for you?

FWIW, I attempted to replicate this in an SSH window running PUTTY. The text from a note is copied, pasted and the command executed regardless of the text being regular font or from a code block.

Perhaps it is a combination of Evernote 10 and the terminal you are using.

Another option to try... Copy the note and paste it into a text editor. Then copy back into a new note in Evernote 10. That might strip the hard spaces.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This issue is breaking all of my saved SQL snippets when I paste them into SQLPlus on a terminal. I've tried from the client, from the web, copying to an editor first, putting it into a code block. Nothing gets rid of it.

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  • 1 month later...

I have this issue as well with all my stored notes.  Going back to each note and editing it to simplify formatting or nest it in a code block would be quite time consuming and therefore not an option.  When I copy a section of text (code) from a note and paste it into notepad++, it looks correct.  It is only when I go to deploy that code that systems choke on it because it has a high ASCII.  I can see this by opening the file in a hex editor and seeing what looks like a single space in notepad++ as two hex values C2 A0.  The first is the Latin capital letter A with circumflex and the second is a non-breaking space (https://www.ascii-code.com/). In notepad++ if I show all characters, it shows spaces as a dot and this high ASCII remains looking like a space (as it does for high ASCII).  My workaround  for now is to do a replace in notepad ++, replacing the "fake" space with a real space.  Different editors seem to handle the data copied from Evernote differently.  Microsoft Word shows the value as a small circle in the uppercase region of the line.  Some editors convert the value to a space (Hex 32) or remove them entirely.

Pasting the text into a code block does seem to remove these high-ascii if they are at the start of the text, but do not remove it from within the text.

Simplify formatting also does not resolve the issue.

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  • Evernote Expert
16 hours ago, Leigh Riffel said:

@agsteele What do you mean?

More haste - less speed on my mobile device... Sorry.  What I was trying to say was: I embed an ASCII text file into the note containing the code

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Leigh Riffel said:

Ah, so your workaround for the problem is to attach a file to the note rather than have the code in the note.  Seems a bit cumbersome, don't you think?

Well,  it's either fixing non-breaking spaces,  or opening a text file to copy the correct code.  There's no magic wand to fix this immediately...

(I have seen others attach files from their code editor of choice to a note and just edit or copy those direct)

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  • Evernote Expert
3 hours ago, Leigh Riffel said:

Ah, so your workaround for the problem is to attach a file to the note rather than have the code in the note.  Seems a bit cumbersome, don't you think?

Not really. It is a double click extra, but then the code is formatted exactly as required.  The only thing it doesn't offer is the ability to look at the code on screen inside Evernote. As @gazumped says, it overcomes the more tedious issue that you are experiencing.

All that said, I just copied some code from a code block I had in a note into a terminal window and it all executed perfectly.  No problems. SO it seems that there may be more going on here than at first meets the eye.


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  • Evernote Expert
14 hours ago, davidjspooner said:

I've run into the same issue - Now i copy the text from evernote - launch notepad , paste the text in there and then copy it from there. Its an annoying work around but it works 

Yes, that works too.  Effectively what I do but in reverse ;) I wonder how these code snippets are generated in the first place? The example I mentioned earlier was a snippet that I typed in manually and I had no hard spaces in it.  I should, perhaps, find some code that I clipped into Evernote from a web page.  Perhaps it is the clipping process that is adding the had spaces.

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