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Alphabetical sorting works wrong on Evernote 10.8.4

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Just look on screenshots.
I have a system of notebooks in my Evernote. Just see - when I try to sort alphabetically all  the notes in the parental notebook, it works wrong. But if I try to sort the notes in the local notebooks which included in this parental, so to say, global notebook, it works properly.
So the same problem I have in Evernote for Android.
Please pay your attention to this bug. Or, maybe this is not bug but some new feature?
Please clarify this to me.

Sinsirely yours, Abhinava.



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I agree that the two systems should be consistent. EN has always tried to be clever about sorting alpha numeric decimalised  titles. 

Most systems would sort:


because they would treat them as text strings and not recognise the second string as containing a ten. Try in Excel for example. EN realises that you mean 10 - except here where it forgets and is inconsistent!

Best practice is always to include leading zeros and then there is no confusion whatever system the app uses.



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