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How to toggle off "VIEW ONLY" mode?

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After update, Evernote would not open. Finally uninstalled, and reinstalled on this device.


After 2nd try uninstalling and reinstalling, update notes appear only in "VIEW ONLY" mode and cannot be edited.

How do I toggle out of this mode to be able edit as normal?


G.R. Grange

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  • Level 5*
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Hi.  Try restarting the device. It may have been 'frozen' briefly after an update and 'should' allow you to edit normally after a short delay.  If it's still not doing so,  please try an uninstall / restart / reinstall again.  If the issue continues,  contact Support for more assistance...

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  • Evernote Expert
19 hours ago, George Grange said:

However some of my notes are locked as VIEW ONLY. 

I think VIEW ONLY should be an option when a note has been shared with you.  The person who created it would mark it VIEW ONLY.  I'm not sure whether it is possible to do something in sharing that marks a note you have created as VIEW ONLY for yourself.

Can you edit in the legacy version of Evernote or using the web browser interface?

If this is your own note, and you can open it in the legacy version then, perhaps, the quickest solution would be to duplicate the naote and then delete the original version. You could try duplicating in v10 too but the view only stuff might prevent that happening.


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  • 9 months later...

Here is what worked for me! Hopefully it works for you too. 🙂

Step 1. View the note on another device or through a different avenue. 
    Example: if you are experiencing the issue while in the app, open Evernote in the browser (just a heads up - apparently Evernote is not supported on Android browsers. So if you're an Android user, you may have to log on using another device like a laptop or another phone with the Evernote app downloaded). If you are experiencing the issue while in a browser, open Evernote in the app. I personally was using Evernote through the app on my phone when I experienced the issue, and then opened it in the browser on my laptop. 
Step 2. The note should be editable. Make a change to the note. Anything works -- all I did was add a period to the beginning of the note. Then save the changes and refresh. You can delete any changes you make later.
Step 3. Refresh your notes in the original device you were using. 
Step 4. There should now be two notes in the original device. One should be titled as normal, and the other should say "Note conflict" at the beginning of the note title. 
Step 5. The "Note conflict" version should contain your most recent changes to the note before the read-only or view-only issue happened. 
Step 6. Copy and paste any new changes from the "Note conflict" note to the other normally titled note.
Step 7. The "Note conflict" note can now be deleted, and the originally titled note can be used as normal. 

YAHWEH bless you!

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