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Auto-Formatting off? Command-Z is not productive


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I'm very disappointed that you can't disable auto formatting in the new Evernote for Mac. What's the reason? I provided feedback in the last release, and the new release does not bring this back. It's just a simple checkmark and a sentence "auto format off". I work ALL DAY with lists and the bullets are too bold and distracting. I use "-" and I just CAN'T believe a simple thing like this is not possible.

Evernote recommends to use Command-Z all the time with every "-"... really? It makes no sense for a software that it's supposed to be productive and modern. I can't believe Evernote has no preferences, no customization. So basically we have to take whatever design. There's a new home with widgets (but most for Premium only). So, a lot of stuff I can't use, and a simple thing I want to use is not there anymore.

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  • 1 year later...

Macs don't have a backspace button? Never used one myself but surprised.

I use backspace when typing. If I type the wrong character I hit backspace to delete that one character. Macs must have a key to do that?

The way it works with EN is if I type - and space I get a bullet. I then hit backspace and the bullet changes to a dash.

I'm sure the editor works the same in Win and Macs.

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Mac has a Delete Key but no backspace key. I can type the Delete key each time Evernote initiates Auto Formatting. That is the opposite of convenience.

Evernote should restore the ability to turn Off Auto Formatting on Macs and IOS devices. 

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2 hours ago, Morgata said:

That is the opposite of convenience.

Not really that hard though. I do it all the time and it takes less than a second which is amount of time I don't need to save.

2 hours ago, Morgata said:

Evernote should restore the ability to turn Off Auto Formatting on Macs and IOS devices. 

They might do one day. Send a support ticket and let them know what you want. If others want the same maybe they'll implement it.

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  • Level 5

Everybody who asks for "settings, settings, settings" should be aware that every setting must be reflected by a If-Then-Else condition in the apps code - or many of these, depending on the number of entry points where the setting must be taken into account.

This bloats the app and adds a lot of complexity to the code execution.

In general it is not a clever idea to make too many features user-defined. From my forum impression the very same users asking for "settings" will react with strange posts here when that complexity is reflected by new bugs creeping up from the program execution.

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To be clear -- this isn't a request for a new feature. This is a request for a feature that had been in prior versions of Evernote. For quite a long time, Evernote had the ability to disable Auto-Formatting. The ability to disable Auto-Formatting was removed, without explanation.

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  • Level 5

There is no birth right that every folly that was introduced into a software must be continued ad infinitum.

EN cut a lot of old rope when they released v10, and they were perfectly right about it. Since the new app was 100% coded freshly, every tweak and loop of the old apps would have meant new tweaks and loops in the new code. To avoid this and start fresh was a big opportunity - EN has taken it, and every forward looking user should be happy about it.

Backward looking users may continue with legacy and their beloved settings ....

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