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Do you mean like this:


Unicode characters generally render correctly in V10. However there is no way of adding them except by pasting in the correct character (which is how I created the above). There are numerous sources on the web to find the correct character. If you need to do this routinely you would probably want a text expander to automate the task.

Adding emojis is much easier but I'm not aware of a suitable quotation marks emoji.

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  • Level 5

The text editor of Evernote is made for taking notes (surprise, surprise).

If you need to work on elaborate text, or going into formulas, typography, page layout, forms with active content, scientific writing or else, you should use a proper, full format editor for this specific purpose. You can embed the documents as attachments into a note.

IMHO it makes no sense to convert a note taking app into a piece of bloatware that only duplicates what other programs can and will do better.

My quotation marks are set low before and high after the quoted term - which I regard as „mission completed“ (you see what I mean).

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49 minutes ago, EvaluatingEvernote said:

Please describe how a text expander might help with this and the expander you recommend.

A text expander expands some easily remembered shortcut text into a different text string. I don't use one so I don't have a specific recommendation.

I agree with @PinkElephantthat EN is not a word processing application and a line has to be drawn somewhere in terms of what it can and cannot do. I do think though that the ability to easily insert  a unicode character is definitely on the note taking side of the line. Interestingly, the alt+123 method (using the numeric keyboard) of adding ascii/unicode characters sometimes works in V10 but it is inconsistent.

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  • Level 5

Probably a question of the point of view. 

As I perfectly understand you use case for smart quotes, if I drill down to this level there are millions of similar „small additional features“ use cases. In total it results in what I call bloatware - make a mental model to add 5 lines of code for each of these features, and you know what I mean.

My idea is to keep it focused and simple in all fields where other options are available, and elaborate where there is no alternative. An example for the later is search, where there is a lot to do in v10 to only reach feature parity with legacy (shared notebooks, tag filters etc.). This is an EN function that can not be replaced by using other programs.

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2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

As I perfectly understand you use case for smart quotes, if I drill down to this level there are millions of similar „small additional features“ use cases. In total it results in what I call bloatware - make a mental model to add 5 lines of code for each of these features, and you know what I mean.

I agee which is why my approach was to try to generalise it to make it the addition of unicode characters, which is something people have been talking about on the forums for years.

@EvaluatingEvernoteI found an alternative which is to use a replacement for the windows character map which for me is too dependent on the fonts installed on your system. Something like BabelMap which also allows you to search by character name. So a search for quot brings up several possible characters. It is though still essentially a copy and paste solution. 

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