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How do I turn off auto-formatting in the new Evernote?

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I would also love the ability to turn off automatic bullets. I regularly use "+" as a separator in some of my documents, and having this automatically turn into a bullet point is frustrating.

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  • Level 5

Simple answer: Currently you can’t.

There are only very little settings, and they don’t treat this kind of switch.

We had reports in the forum that entering a space in front of the „bullet“ character would stop it from converting,  but 1) this is arduous and 2) even if it works today, it may not work in the future.

You may ask for a change by the feedback option build into the new clients (no response) or by issuing a support ticket (with an answer, for whatever this is good for in this case).

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8 hours ago, Todd Nief said:

I would also love the ability to turn off automatic bullets. I regularly use "+" as a separator in some of my documents, and having this automatically turn into a bullet point is frustrating.

In the mean time you can just hit backspace after it converts the + to a bullet and it goes back to being a +.

<space>+ or even <space><space>+ is not currently working for me.

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Hello I'm not sure if my query is related to the OP here or not. But I am new to Evernote and pasting a lot of stuff over from Word (I'm using the evernote app downloaded for Mac). Unfortunately it loses the formatting when I paste. Everything gets made homogenous. If I have three different fonts to help me distinguish between different voices and sources, I lose these differences. There must be a way around this?! Can anyone help? Thank you.

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48 minutes ago, LucyWW said:

There must be a way around this?! Can anyone help?

Unfortunately I don't think there is away. EN has decided to only support 6 fonts. When you paste text it will assume it is the "normal text" style and give everything you paste the font associated with that style.

You can obviously change the text that has been pasted with the options that are available. You can also update the 4 style options (Large header, Medium header etc) to be how you want them.

One option would be just to attach the word document to the note. You then get the organisational advanatages of Evernote but still get the formatting options of a word document. Another option would be to save it as a pdf and attach that to the note. This gives you the advantage of being able to view the document inline within a note but not very convenient if you want to change it.


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6 minutes ago, Mike P said:

Unfortunately I don't think there is away. EN has decided to only support 6 fonts. When you paste text it will assume it is the "normal text" style and give everything you paste the font associated with that style.

You can obviously change the text that has been pasted with the options that are available. You can also update the 4 style options (Large header, Medium header etc) to be how you want them.

One option would be just to attach the word document to the note. You then get the organisational advanatages of Evernote but still get the formatting options of a word document. Another option would be to save it as a pdf and attach that to the note. This gives you the advantage of being able to view the document inline within a note but not very convenient if you want to change it.


Hi Mike P, thank you this is very helpful. At least I won't waste my time trying to solve the unsolvable. I didn't know you could attach Word docs to a note, I will give that a go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This.  When I'm taking notes on a book (which is what I use Evernote for), I don't want the page numbers to become a sequentially-numbered list.  It used to be quite easy to turn off the auto-numbering feature.  PLEASE bring that ability back!

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18 minutes ago, bigkagi said:

When I'm taking notes on a book (which is what I use Evernote for), I don't want the page numbers to become a sequentially-numbered list. 

You do have to work quite hard at getting it to be sequentially numbered list! ie number followed by a period. In case the ability to switch off autoformatting never returns none of the following convert to a list

  • p12
  • 12,
  • 12
  • 12-
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50 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Where in EN do you have page numbers ?

I assume that as he is making notes from the book he is writing the page number before the text

12. X leads to Y

13. In the unlikley event ...

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  • Level 5

EN is quite fine to collect sources, ideas and snippets. Drafting may be ok as well, especially after options like headers were introduced with the new editor.

But it would be the last app that crosses my mind for final editing. Personally I use Affinity Publisher, that allows to create layouts ready to print, if I want it with cover and all the other chichi needed for a „real“ book.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What an incompetent company. This App is going the same way as skype after microsoft bought it: down hill, removal of functions, ignoring basic functions, have virtually zero support, ignoring requests. Years of downgrades and loss of features.

Like Zoom, someone is going to come eat Evernote's lunch. 

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I was excited to see the latest version allow editing keyboard shortcut.... but quickly realized it's only for "global keyboard shortcuts" :(

oh well:

"Will you be adding more customizable shortcuts, or allowing customization on other existing shortcuts?

Yes. This article outlines what is currently available for customization, and we will continue to update it as more options become available."


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