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24 Hour Format

Randall V


I would like Evernote to respect my system settings for time format.

I dislike AM/PM and am used to the 24-hour time format; I would like my reminders to display according to my preferences (eg. 18.00 instead of 6.00pm).


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I agree. There should be an option to set default formatting for time and date, so that when keyboard shortcuts are used, they appear as desired. In Europe, the American date format of MMMM, DD, YYYY is unorthodox and offputting. I also prefer to use the 24 hour time format. This seems no longer to be available. I cannot understand why. 

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As much as I hate to chime in on a topic that seems obvious yet has heretofore apparently been ignored by the Evernote Technorati, I too am amazed that a tool of this type would not simply respect my system settings. I set my time to 24-hour format not BY ACCIDENT. Why the living hell would Evernote not either:  Simply do the same, or allow me to set the format as I please?

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On 8/30/2021 at 1:02 PM, PinkElephant said:

It works fine for me, Central European settings. But it seems this settings control seems to look at your region’s settings, not at the date/time settings.

One would think that any regional setting outside the US or other regions that use that same format, would be shown in European format, but that does not seem to be the case, unfortunately.

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