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Content Erased - No Warning?

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My content I wrote last night didn’t sync. I wrote 11-1200 words of a story in Evernote(as I have for years) and it was there this morning and then after reopening the app later, it had reverted to the old form. No “Conflicting Notes” and no “Sync Failed” messages. It just didn’t sync and deleted on it’s own 12 hours after I stopped writing.

Pretty disappointed and if it’s not restorable(which I’m hearing it’s not), I can’t see myself using this product anymore THAT I JUST STARTED USING AGAIN because my trust is gone.

Activity Log shows a repeated “Unable to save enml” but it would be have been pretty freaking neat if that would alert me not to close the application.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have lost multiple notes that I created in the iOS app recently - same situation as you. I wrote a note, saved it, went to sleep, woke up, no trace of that note at all. It's happened 3-4 times now, to the point where I *know* I'm not imaging it.

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I have experienced the same thing - iOS (iPad) - a few days ago I created a series of notes, and when I went to another device later in the evening, the notes were nowhere to be found. Back on the iPad, gone.

Again today, with a bit of hesitation, I created one new note on the  ipad, did a manual sync, and it appeared all was OK. Tonight, checking on another device, it is gone (and also on the iPad). I get the sense that even when the iOS appears to be synching, the message is actually not getting back to the database in the cloud.

Evernote IS my workflow across multiple devices all day long. I suddenly cannot trust the iOS at all. Gulp.

In a similar vein, the web clipper on iOS now pops up with a message that 'this note will sync with Evernote on this device the next time the app is opened - it may take a few minutes" (something like that). So now to get a web clip to 'phone home' the app has to be opened first. Maybe a small thing, but it really bogs down efficiency (and sync, when it works, is really slow).

I am all for the unification of the platforms and parity, but the wheels feel like they are coming off right now.

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hey I have had this issue too and it’s been an disaster for me. I have reported it here and I think I know what’s causing it. If Evernote is sitting in the background open when you bring it back to the foreground sync seems to fail. It doesn’t tell you this is the case but who you add content it will not sync and that content will ultimately be lost. The only work around I have is to fully close the app completely once finished using it and that way sync will work when you reopen it. You can also check on the web app to see if the content you have added has synced properly. 

this isn’t ideal at all, I know that but it is a workaround that seems to stop this bug. Hopefully at some point Evernote staff will see fit to respond and engage about what is the worst possible kind of bug - up to this point I have had complete radio silence about this issue. 

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1 hour ago, Shane D. said:

@jdebose @TheWorldJoker @Michael Russo @wbutchart

Thank you for reaching out!

We released an update this morning, 10.0.3, that we believe may help to address this issue.

If possible, please try updating to 10.0.3 and let me know if the issue is still occurring on this thread.

If it is, I'll follow-up to gather some more information.

Thank you @Shane D. I’ll test this out this evening and see if it appears to be working better. 

you know.....a change log on the updates would save you having to post these 😉

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@Shane D., I upgraded on Friday evening. When I first opened the app after that, I noticed that a couple of the notes that had vanished were back on the iPad (and then synched to other devices). The creation date/timestamp for those notes was when I opened the app, not when they were actually created. So they were resurrected from the ether, thank you.

I see now that when I do a web clip, and return to the app for it to sync, that a black dialog box indicated web clip is syncing appears. This communication is helpful. Having to return to the app for web clips to sync is still an unfavorable extra step.

I did a controlled test of working with/modifying/deleting notes for a while this morning. I also did a controlled test of creating notes with various media and switching between EN and other apps. The sync appears to have behaved correctly.

I will use the app as typical this week and am hopeful that I will be able to focus on my workflow, and not on if EN is functioning as it should. I create notes continuously from numerous sources/devices and need to trust EN is keeping up.

Thank you for reaching out on this.

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This isn’t resolved yet, it seems to be an issue when Evernote is in the background for a while and then is brought to foreground when we add data. At that moment it seems fine but it isn’t, it isn’t syncing for some reason. A few solutions, close the app completely before using again, or, once you have added content, go to settings and sync, if it can’t sync you know it’s frozen up again, you should be able to get back and copy your data to save it. 
I get that is frustrating but I have found this works. Hopefully they will resolve this soon. 

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