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Michael Russo

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  1. @Shane D., I upgraded on Friday evening. When I first opened the app after that, I noticed that a couple of the notes that had vanished were back on the iPad (and then synched to other devices). The creation date/timestamp for those notes was when I opened the app, not when they were actually created. So they were resurrected from the ether, thank you. I see now that when I do a web clip, and return to the app for it to sync, that a black dialog box indicated web clip is syncing appears. This communication is helpful. Having to return to the app for web clips to sync is still an unfavorable extra step. I did a controlled test of working with/modifying/deleting notes for a while this morning. I also did a controlled test of creating notes with various media and switching between EN and other apps. The sync appears to have behaved correctly. I will use the app as typical this week and am hopeful that I will be able to focus on my workflow, and not on if EN is functioning as it should. I create notes continuously from numerous sources/devices and need to trust EN is keeping up. Thank you for reaching out on this.
  2. I have experienced the same thing - iOS (iPad) - a few days ago I created a series of notes, and when I went to another device later in the evening, the notes were nowhere to be found. Back on the iPad, gone. Again today, with a bit of hesitation, I created one new note on the ipad, did a manual sync, and it appeared all was OK. Tonight, checking on another device, it is gone (and also on the iPad). I get the sense that even when the iOS appears to be synching, the message is actually not getting back to the database in the cloud. Evernote IS my workflow across multiple devices all day long. I suddenly cannot trust the iOS at all. Gulp. In a similar vein, the web clipper on iOS now pops up with a message that 'this note will sync with Evernote on this device the next time the app is opened - it may take a few minutes" (something like that). So now to get a web clip to 'phone home' the app has to be opened first. Maybe a small thing, but it really bogs down efficiency (and sync, when it works, is really slow). I am all for the unification of the platforms and parity, but the wheels feel like they are coming off right now.
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