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How to Visualize and Analyze Your Evernote Notes

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Hi all

I happened on this new video today - I've used Infranodus to good effect before,  but ymmv.  Haven't actually watched this yet - and the presentation tends to be a bit dry,  so stick with it - but hopefully it will give you an idea of what might be possible.


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2 hours ago, gazumped said:

I've used Infranodus to good effect before,  but ymmv.

I'll take a look at the videos, but I'm interested in real use cases    
Can you provide details on how you use this visualization/analyzation

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Not sure how much detail you're interested in,  but in a single notebook on (theoretically) one subject this analysis can show what duplications/ overlaps have occurred,  and how to restructure the content to more logically move through the procedure...

(Despite appearances in my posts here,  I do try to generate process explanations that are short and logical.  Sadly my brain doesn't usually work that way....) 

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There was a program called bubble browser, that was build to create structure from ones EN heap of data.

It was (is ?) available on the Mac AppStore, but it had a fatal tendency to crash half way through the analysis, and took other things down with it when doing so. It could then not be restarted, only after a complete uninstall. Which led again to the next crash. The developer was not responding, for me dead in the water. Probably no business model behind it either (unless trading with the data - these programs need access to ones EN data base ...).

As being more visual oriented, I liked the idea behind it, so thanks for the posting. Maybe it is an alternative.

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Hey! Thank you for posting this, I'm the developer of this app. Please, let me know your feedback how both the functionality and the presentation can be improved. You mentioned something about it being dry, did you mean too technical or too detailed? Also, what would be the features you'd like to have? I'm actively working on it now, so it's a good opportunity to squeeze in whatever functionality you want to have ahead of the development queue. Thank you!

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12 hours ago, noduslabs said:

Please, let me know your feedback how both the functionality and the presentation can be improved.

Hi.  Thanks for providing a unique way to look at the structure and content of notes.  Network analysis is something I can employ without really understanding whether I'm using it to the best of my (and it's) ability,  and I did find that your not-quite-10 minute video here was a constant stream of "you could do this,  you could do that..." examples of different aspects of a notebook analysis - which are probably going to take me another month to try out on my own notes.  I've dipped into and out of Infranodus irregularly over the past few years,  and I do find it useful in specific cases. 

I keep notes forinstance of projects and processes with detailed explanations of how things link together.  It's always difficult to get the description right first time, because some basic concepts get forgotten - like making tea,  everyone knows how to boil water so why mention things that don't need explanation? 

Except sometimes they do. Some professional and technical 'basic ideas' are just jargon to outsiders without some level of detail.  This sort of analysis helps me check that I have dotted all the necessary i's.

Like some of the comments above I always feel that your presentations could do with more real world examples of use cases - writing a review of a new car? Reporting on an Actor's career? Deciding which holiday package to choose?  Documenting a new process?  Reviewing social media reactions to a product or situation? 

I don't know how else your users are employing the app,  but it might be good to have a video or a post on that general topic to give the rest of us some inspiration!

And - unless I misunderstood - you did say toward the end of your Evernote video that if viewers found the content a bit difficult,  you'd post a link to a more in-depth explanation in the comments.  I'll look forward to seeing that - it might help me understand better!

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