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Arquivos soltos nos cadernos. Igual no WINDOWS.

Bruno Maciel


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7 hours ago, Bruno Maciel said:

The option of throwing loose files in notebooks would be useful. Not necessarily attached to a note. Just let go. AS IN WINDOWS. THE USER DECIDES IF IT WILL USE OR NOT. 

Going to be tough as the note is the basic storage unit in EN.

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7 hours ago, Bruno Maciel said:

The option of throwing loose files in notebooks would be useful.  Not necessarily attached to a note.  Just let go.  AS IN WINDOWS.  THE USER DECIDES IF IT WILL USE OR NOT.    
--- translated by Google --

I don't see the advantage to "loose" files   
Notes are Evernote's container element; they can be used for holding single or multiple files 

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15 horas atrás, DTLow disse:

Não vejo vantagem em "soltar" arquivos As   
notas são o elemento contêiner do Evernote; eles podem ser usados para armazenar arquivos únicos ou múltiplos 

Penso que se o EVERNOTE deva dar essa liberdade.  Seria o PRÓPRIO USUÁRIO que optaria por usar ou não. O GOGLE DRIVE funciona assim. É possível colar a informação num DOCUMENTO WORD. mas também é possível deixar solto na pasta. 


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3 hours ago, Bruno Maciel said:

I think if EVERNOTE should give that freedom.  It would be the OWN USER who would choose to use it or not.  GOGLE DRIVE works like this.  It is possible to paste the information into a WORD DOCUMENT.  but it is also possible to leave it loose in the folder. 
-- translates by Google --

To be clear, we are not "paste the information into a Word Document"   
The "loose files" are stored in the Evernote database, but are available in native format and can be exported at any time   
btw  Files can be kept on Google Drive, and only a link reference stored in Evernote

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4 horas atrás, DTLow disse:

btw  Files can be kept on Google Drive, and only a link reference stored in Evernote

Exato. O ruim é que esses arquivos não aparecem na pesquisa do Evernote. Só aparecem nas pesquisas o Título da nota. 

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37 minutes ago, Bruno Maciel said:

Exact. The bad thing is that these files do not appear in search of Evernote . Only the title of the note appears in searches

Why is it you don't want to put these bits in a note?

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Nem sempre é prático fazer isso. No Google Drive é mais fácil jogar imagens tudo dentro de uma pasta. o Evernote poderia dar essa OPÇÃO. Se o usuário vai usar ao não cabe a ele decidir que o melhor para aquele tipo de arquivo. 

Uma das coisas que me seguram no EVERNOTE é o sistema de busca e as etiquetas. 

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2 hours ago, Bruno Maciel said:

It is not always practical to do this. In Google Drive is easier to play all images in a folder. the Evernote could give this OPTION. Whether the user is going to use it is not up to him to decide which is best for that type of file. 

One of the things that hold me in EVERNOTE is the search engine and the tags. 

Okay.  I guess any images I want in EN I just add to a note.  But the bulk of my images (photos) are stored in OneDrive, probably for the same reasons as you.

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Em 15/08/2020 at 19:15, CalS disse:

OK. Acho que todas as imagens que eu quiser em inglês adiciono apenas a uma nota. Mas a maior parte das minhas imagens (fotos) são armazenadas no OneDrive, provavelmente pelos mesmos motivos que você.

Não só fotos. Arquivos do microsoft word, PDF etc.. 

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7 minutes ago, Bruno Maciel said:

Not just photos. Microsoft word files, PDF etc. 

All my PDFs are stored in EN notes so that I can leverage EN's search functionality to find then. Ditto for what few Word files I have.  I don't have any loose files, they all have a purpose of some sort.

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5 minutos atrás, CalS disse:

All my PDFs are stored in EN notes so that I can leverage EN's search functionality to find then. Ditto for what few Word files I have.  I don't have any loose files, they all have a purpose of some sort.

Eu procuro fazer isso. Mas dá trabalho. Se tivesse essa OPÇÃO seria melhor. Pelo menos para mim. 

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5 minutes ago, Bruno Maciel said:

I try to do that. But it takes work. If you had this  OPTION it  would be better. At least for me. 

Okay.  I guess I don't get it to be honest.  What's the difference between putting a loose file in a note or dragging a loose file into a notebook?  Either should appear in the notes list with the name of the file under title I would assume.  There's a visualization I don't follow.

No need to answer, I'm stopping now.  If it works for you great.

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It is a feature request. 

So it does not work, but the thread owner would like to get that function.

IMHO it makes no sense, and it shows that the TO is focused on organizing things by notebook, not by tags. JAFR (justanotherfeaturerequest) ...

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2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

It is a feature request. 

So it does not work, but the thread owner would like to get that function.

IMHO it makes no sense, and it shows that the TO is focused on organizing things by notebook, not by tags. JAFR (justanotherfeaturerequest) ...

Yup.  It has always sounded like create a folder structure for files in EN.  Just not sure with the different language and all if that is the case.  No matter, JAFR.,

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