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Database File After Uninstall

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I know after an uninstall the database file remains (that's what happened to my during my last install at my previous workplace).

So I had to go locate the folder which is 30GB or so and delete it.

My question is, if I don't delete that database file, can anybody install Evernote back and be able to open all my notes through the time of uninstall?

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  • Level 5*
49 minutes ago, TK0047 said:

My question is, if I don't delete that database file, can anybody install Evernote back and be able to open all my notes through the time of uninstall?

They would need to log into your account with your  userid/password

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, TK0047 said:

My question is, if I don't delete that database file, can anybody install Evernote back and be able to open all my notes through the time of uninstall?

If you had not logged out prior to leaving  I think they would have access to your notes.  And if you had not changed your password since leaving I think the notes since you left would be synced when they started EN. 

If you can't get the EN data base folder deleted on the old computer not sure there's an effective way to clean things up other than creating a new account, exporting all your notes to it, deleting all the notes in the old account, and hoping should anyone ever start up EN on the old machine it is connected to the Internet at the time.  

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Thanks to you both.

Follow up question..

So with my new company, they installed the windows app on the remote desktop so I don't have a lot of control over that at all. I don't have admin access for example.

Can I select what folder (the one I can delete) Evernote to create the database file? Better, can it save it to the local computer? So operate Evernote on the remote desktop but database file is on my local hard drive.

Or do selective sync with the desktop app? Is that possible?

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, TK0047 said:

Thanks to you both.

Follow up question..

So with my new company, they installed the windows app on the remote desktop so I don't have a lot of control over that at all. I don't have admin access for example.

Can I select what folder (the one I can delete) Evernote to create the database file? Better, can it save it to the local computer? So operate Evernote on the remote desktop but database file is on my local hard drive.

Or do selective sync with the desktop app? Is that possible?

What type of Remote Desktop?

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  • Level 5*
27 minutes ago, TK0047 said:

I think it is a Windows Server. Not sure what types there are though.


Don’t know much about that, sorry. Maybe it is time to use your browser while at work to access your own account? Is there a local drive or is it all on the server?  What device do you use for access?  Have you discussed this with them?

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On 7/31/2020 at 12:09 PM, CalS said:

Don’t know much about that, sorry. Maybe it is time to use your browser while at work to access your own account? Is there a local drive or is it all on the server?  What device do you use for access?  Have you discussed this with them?

→ I have been using the web version, which is nice with the new beta changes however still very slow for my style. I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts and switching between notes and search etc. The load times between the notes is not cutting it for me in the web version. On a plus side, it let me see the new changes first hand that will be coming to all the apps and the search got way better feels like with the auto suggestions on the tags etc.

→ There is a local drive but nothing on it basically, everybody logs onto the remote desktop server to access apps and do their work.

→ It is a Dell laptop I use to access the remote desktop

→ Not yet, just finished the 1st week so maybe later on.

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  • Level 5*
8 minutes ago, TK0047 said:

→ I have been using the web version, which is nice with the new beta changes however still very slow for my style. I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts and switching between notes and search etc. The load times between the notes is not cutting it for me in the web version. On a plus side, it let me see the new changes first hand that will be coming to all the apps and the search got way better feels like with the auto suggestions on the tags etc.

→ There is a local drive but nothing on it basically, everybody logs onto the remote desktop server to access apps and do their work.

→ It is a Dell laptop I use to access the remote desktop

→ Not yet, just finished the 1st week so maybe later on.

If they will let you have some access/control of the local disk on the Dell you should be able to install EN and its data base there and have access whether attached to the remote server or not.  Same caveats as the last job relative to keeping your own data secure and removing it should you leave the company. 

If you are really concerned about security and they will let you, you could use something like VeraCrypt to create an encrypted container (their parlance for drive) on the computer.  Simply put it creates a virtual drive which is encrypted, call it N: for example, on the disk which requires a password to open.  You put the EN data base in there.  You have to log in to the drive via VeraCrypt and then start EN.  When you log out of VeraCrypt the data can't be accessed without the password.  Sounds harder than it is.

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