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Sync question


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I noticed the other day there doesn't seem to be an option to force sync our notes.  I have no clue what happened but I lost a whole set of vacation notes I created - weird - never have I lost notes.  It was/is an existing note I've been working on and last night added to it and bam gone.  I looked for a way to force sync like I could in the regular version and nothing. :(. Can someone tell me if this is either no longer an option or where I can find it to grab it?

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  • 3 months later...
  • Level 5

When talking about the EN iOS app 10, there are two ways to make it sync:

  • Pull the notes list (or notebook list) down a little with a finger, and let it go. A sync wheel will show.
  • Go to the app settings (the symbol to the right of your user name), choose the „Synchronize“ option (right above work chat), choose the currently only option „sync now“

Both methods will start a syncing process. Usually syncing does happen as well when you edited a note, and close it.

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On 10/2/2020 at 3:39 PM, PinkElephant said:

When talking about the EN iOS app 10...

You provide a lot of useful advice, but please try to note what forum you're in when responding. We're in the Mac forum and the OP is talking about the Mac app.

@dshinton, AFAIK there is no way to force sync the new desktop apps. They are supposed to sync automatically but occasionally get into a non-responding state and as you discovered closing and re-opening them can be necessary to get them to sync properly. Not the best user experience, and hopefully something that is substantially improved before the betas are officially released.

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