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See all tags used in a notebook



Hey guys,

So I think I have to review how folks use tags versus notesbook and I am now starting to get it somewhat. Lesson: Focus on less notebooks, more tags. Use tags to organize and label.

Idea: When going to a notebook, be able to scroll through all tags used in that notebook

Why?: Provides an insight into what all may be in that notebook and you can re-discover content you may have missed or mislabeled or misplaced

Caveats: I have a notebook called "File Cabinet" and in it I store everything I collect from the series of tubes (i.e the interwebs). News articles, inspirational stories etc. This one would definitely need a scrollable list of tags used and that would be immensely helpful.


Ask from other users: Please direct me to posts that you have found helpful in organizing yourself or feel free to DM.


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8 replies to this idea

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16 minutes ago, ileo said:

When going to a notebook, be able to scroll through all tags used in that notebook

The screenshot if from a Mac and shows the tag picker filter
The list is filtered to all the tags used in the current view (@Inbox notebook)393834152_ScreenShot2020-05-11at8_59_56PM.png.d2299d646a8df12c987e39b8f7c63f84.png

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Hey @DTLow - Thanks for that!

I was hoping for a visual look so when you open a notebook and see the notes, you can get a quick view of what's there rather than having to click on the tag.

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On 5/11/2020 at 8:46 PM, ileo said:

Idea: When going to a notebook, be able to scroll through all tags used in that notebook

Why?: Provides an insight into what all may be in that notebook and you can re-discover content you may have missed or mislabeled or misplaced

Good idea in transition to fewer notebooks if that is where you are going.  However, longer term it is better to just let tags live across whatever notebooks you have, don't restrict tags to a specific notebook in other words.  I could get by with 4 notebooks, Inbox and Synced for synced stuff and Scans and Local for local stuff.  But I have 8, the other four mainly to support easier backup/recovery should I go stupid and delete a note by accident but also to be able to share easily and have downloaded content on IOS (I only want a small subset of notes always available there).  Tags run across all of those.

To the tags per notebook question no easy way I know.  If you make a notebook the context the tag filter will only show tags for that notebook, not very helpful if a lot of tags are used in the notebook.  If you have excel skills you can export a note list and with some text to columns work see how many tags and which ones by notebook.  Again, a bit of a PITA.  FWIW

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On 5/13/2020 at 2:31 PM, CalS said:

Good idea in transition to fewer notebooks if that is where you are going.  However, longer term it is better to just let tags live across whatever notebooks you have, don't restrict tags to a specific notebook in other words.  I could get by with 4 notebooks, Inbox and Synced for synced stuff and Scans and Local for local stuff.  But I have 8, the other four mainly to support easier backup/recovery should I go stupid and delete a note by accident but also to be able to share easily and have downloaded content on IOS (I only want a small subset of notes always available there).  Tags run across all of those.

To the tags per notebook question no easy way I know.  If you make a notebook the context the tag filter will only show tags for that notebook, not very helpful if a lot of tags are used in the notebook.  If you have excel skills you can export a note list and with some text to columns work see how many tags and which ones by notebook.  Again, a bit of a PITA.  FWIW

Exactly what I am doing - transition to as many notebooks as needed.


I am very curious about your setup, have you shared it somewhere?

And, the excel export, how would I best do that?

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1 hour ago, ileo said:

And, the excel export, how would I best do that?

Which devices/platforms do you use?   
I export to a .csv file using scripting (Mac Applescript)

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16 hours ago, ileo said:

Exactly what I am doing - transition to as many notebooks as needed.


I am very curious about your setup, have you shared it somewhere?

And, the excel export, how would I best do that?

Rather than clog this thread I will send you a DM.

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On 5/14/2020 at 10:23 PM, DTLow said:

Which devices/platforms do you use?   
I export to a .csv file using scripting (Mac Applescript)

Catalina like yours 10.15.4 and Evernote v7.14. Is the applescript public?

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21 hours ago, ileo said:

Catalina like yours 10.15.4 and Evernote v7.14. Is the applescript public?

ok, I did a quick look and came up with this    NotebookTag.scpt
edit: added a filter for duplicate entries

global openFile
global DataList
set DataList to {}

set targetFile to (path to desktop as text) & "temp.csv"
set openFile to open for access file targetFile with write permission
WriteCSV("Notebook", "Tag")

tell application "Evernote"
set allNotebooks to every notebook
repeat with theNotebook in allNotebooks                 << Loop through notebooks
set theNotebookName to (the name of theNotebook)
set allNotes to every note in notebook theNotebookName
repeat with theNote in allNotes                        << Loop through notes in the notebook
          set theTags to tags of theNote
repeat with theTag in theTags                      << Loop through the tags in the note
               set theTagName to name of theTag
               my WriteCSV(theNotebookName, theTagName)
end repeat
end repeat
end repeat
end tell

close access openFile

on WriteCSV(theNotebookName, theTagName)
set theData to theNotebookName & ", " & theTagName & return
if theData is not in DataList then
write theData to openFile starting at eof as text
copy theData to end of DataList
end if
end WriteCSV

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